Original paper

The vegetation of temporary ponds with Isoetes in the Iberian Peninsula

Molina, José A.

Phytocoenologia Band 35 Heft 2-3 (2005), p. 219 - 230

published: Aug 1, 2005

DOI: 10.1127/0340-269X/2005/0035-0219

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This study examines the floristical composition and the distribution pattern of the ephemeral quillwort swards found in the Iberian Peninsula. A systematic review based initially on 120 phytosociological relevés and using numerical analyses with classification (Euclidean distance and UPGMA and MISSQ) and ordination (principal component analysis – PCA) was carried out. Four groups corresponding to the following associations were recognized: Junco pygmaei-Isoetetum velati, Peplido hispidulae-Isoetetum delilei, Junco capitati-Isoetetum histricis, Isoetetum durieui. The study supports previous assumptions that, on the local scale within the Iberian Peninsula, temporary-pond plant-communities show greater diversity in western territories thus following the same pattern that occurs on the regional scale of the Mediterranean basin.


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