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Mining Exploratory Behavior to Improve Mobile App Recommendations

Published:19 August 2017Publication History
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With the widespread usage of smart phones, more and more mobile apps are developed every day, playing an increasingly important role in changing our lifestyles and business models. In this trend, it becomes a hot research topic for developing effective mobile app recommender systems in both industry and academia. Compared with existing studies about mobile app recommendations, our research aims to improve the recommendation effectiveness based on analyzing a psychological trait of human beings, exploratory behavior, which refers to a type of variety-seeking behavior in unfamiliar domains. To this end, we propose a novel probabilistic model named Goal-oriented Exploratory Model (GEM), integrating exploratory behavior identification with personalized item recommendation. An algorithm combining collapsed Gibbs sampling and Expectation Maximization is developed for model learning and inference. Through extensive experiments conducted on a real dataset, the proposed model demonstrates superior recommendation performances and good interpretability compared with state-of-art recommendation methods. Moreover, empirical analyses on exploratory behavior find that individuals with a strong exploratory tendency exhibit behavioral patterns of variety seeking, risk taking, and higher involvement. Besides, mobile apps that are less popular or in the long tail possess greater potential of arousing exploratory behavior in individuals.


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        ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 35, Issue 4
        Special issue: Search, Mining and their Applications on Mobile Devices
        October 2017
        461 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Publication History

        • Published: 19 August 2017
        • Accepted: 1 March 2017
        • Revised: 1 January 2017
        • Received: 1 June 2016
        Published in tois Volume 35, Issue 4


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