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Applying Deep Learning for Epilepsy Seizure Detection and Brain Mapping Visualization

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Published:17 February 2019Publication History
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Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has achieved remarkable results in computer vision tasks for end-to-end learning. We evaluate here the power of a deep CNN to learn robust features from raw Electroencephalogram (EEG) data to detect seizures. Seizures are hard to detect, as they vary both inter- and intra-patient. In this article, we use a deep CNN model for seizure detection task on an open-access EEG epilepsy dataset collected at the Boston Children's Hospital. Our deep learning model is able to extract spectral, temporal features from EEG epilepsy data and use them to learn the general structure of a seizure that is less sensitive to variations. For cross-patient EEG data, our method produced an overall sensitivity of 90.00%, specificity of 91.65%, and overall accuracy of 98.05% for the whole dataset of 23 patients. The system can detect seizures with an accuracy of 99.46%. Thus, it can be used as an excellent cross-patient seizure classifier. The results show that our model performs better than the previous state-of-the-art models for patient-specific and cross-patient seizure detection task. The method gave an overall accuracy of 99.65% for patient-specific data. The system can also visualize the special orientation of band power features. We use correlation maps to relate spectral amplitude features to the output in the form of images. By using the results from our deep learning model, this visualization method can be used as an effective multimedia tool for producing quick and relevant brain mapping images that can be used by medical experts for further investigation.


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  1. Applying Deep Learning for Epilepsy Seizure Detection and Brain Mapping Visualization



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          ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications  Volume 15, Issue 1s
          Special Section on Deep Learning for Intelligent Multimedia Analytics and Special Section on Multi-Modal Understanding of Social, Affective and Subjective Attributes of Data
          January 2019
          265 pages
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          Publication History

          • Published: 17 February 2019
          • Revised: 1 July 2018
          • Accepted: 1 July 2018
          • Received: 1 October 2017
          Published in tomm Volume 15, Issue 1s


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