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An integrated approach to system modeling using a synthesis of artificial intelligence, software engineering and simulation methodologies

Published:01 October 1992Publication History
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Index Terms

  1. An integrated approach to system modeling using a synthesis of artificial intelligence, software engineering and simulation methodologies



                Daniel J. Schuster

                Software and simulation engineers, artificial intelligence practitioners, students, and educators all simulate systems. Work in each field is insular, and not much has been written about creating models. The author says a common framework is needed so each can share in the others progress. His observation of a trend to more complex systems with embedded computers in each component is important. The trend is being fueled by the dive in computer prices. A strength of the paper is its overview of the modeling process, a commentary on the 92 references. The author offers an interactive, object-oriented approach to developing models at four levels of abstraction. He also defines a language to specify a models structure. The conceptual level is intended to understand the objects and how they relate to each other. A non-executable diagram is developed using this checklist: Identify objects and classes. Prepare a data dictionary. Identify associations and aggregations among objects. Identify attributes and objects and links. Organize and simplify object classes using i nheritance. At the declarative or functional level, all model nodes are of the same type. At the heterogeneous level, the model is made up of different types of sub-models. At the multi-model level, many models of different types are linked together. This paper is the basis of a textbook on simulation modeling that the author is writing. Presumably, the software to accompany the book will make it easy to model at several levels of detail. I hope it will be available soon.

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                  cover image ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
                  ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation  Volume 2, Issue 4
                  Oct. 1992
                  62 pages
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                  Copyright © 1992 ACM


                  Association for Computing Machinery

                  New York, NY, United States

                  Publication History

                  • Published: 1 October 1992
                  Published in tomacs Volume 2, Issue 4


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