Modern societies try to describe themselves and their characteristics by using impressive titles (Prisching 2003, 13). Some choose terms that de‡ne economic structure (Service Society); terms that express the end of an epoch (Post-Industrial Society, Post-Growth Society); and terms that attempt to cover up the nature of a complex society. Among the many examples are the Working Society, Achieving Society, Performance Society, Education Society, Life-Style Society, Consumer Society, Leisure Society, rill-Seeking Society, Fun Society, Hedonistic Society, Mass-Culture Society, Immigration Society, Multi-Cultural Society, Pluralistic Society, Secularised Society, Creative Society, Communication Society, Media Society, Film Society, E-Society, Knowledge Society, Scienti‡c Society, Progress Society, Organization Society, erapy Society, Demanding Society, Multi-Optional Society, 24-Hour

Introduction: Dierent Views of Societies 37 De‡nition of Security 38 Security Society Concept 39 Growth of Security Business, Establishment of Academic Training Courses in Security Management, and Institutionalization of Research in the Field of Security 40 Implementation of International Strategies for Inner Security 42 Omnipresence of Security Dangers and Participation in Implementation of Security 43 Changes of Logic Surrounding Political and State Security Production 44 New Con‡gurations of Public Spaces by Technization of Social Control 46 Conclusions 47 References 48

Society, Mc-Society, One-Child-Society, Egocentric Society, Individualistic Society, Autistic Society, Elbow Society, Risk-Society, Prevention Society, and, ‡nally, as noted in the title of this chapter, Security Society.