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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 11, 2018

Lower semicontinuity and relaxation of linear-growth integral functionals under PDE constraints

  • Adolfo Arroyo-Rabasa ORCID logo EMAIL logo , Guido De Philippis and Filip Rindler ORCID logo


We show general lower semicontinuity and relaxation theorems for linear-growth integral functionals defined on vector measures that satisfy linear PDE side constraints (of arbitrary order). These results generalize several known lower semicontinuity and relaxation theorems for BV, BD, and for more general first-order linear PDE side constrains. Our proofs are based on recent progress in the understanding of singularities of measure solutions to linear PDEs and of the generalized convexity notions corresponding to these PDE constraints.

Communicated by Frank Duzaar

Award Identifier / Grant number: EP/L018934/1

Funding statement: Adolfo Arroyo-Rabasa is supported by a scholarship from the Hausdorff Center of Mathematics and the University of Bonn; the research conducted in this paper forms part of his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Bonn. Guido De Philippis is supported by the MIUR SIR-grant “Geometric Variational Problems” (RBSI14RVEZ). Filip Rindler acknowledges the support from an EPSRC Research Fellowship on “Singularities in Nonlinear PDEs” (EP/L018934/1).

A Proofs of the localization principles

In this appendix we prove Proposition 24 and Proposition 25.

Proof of Proposition 24.

In the following we adapt the main steps in proof of the localization principle at regular points which is contained in [29, Proposition 1]. The statement on the existence of an 𝒜-free and periodic generating sequence is proved in detail.

Let μj(Ω;N) be the sequence of asymptotically 𝒜-free measures which generates ν. In the following steps, for an open Ωd, we will often identify a measure μ(Ω;N) with its zero extension in loc(d;N), and similarly for a Young measure σ𝐘(Ω;N) and its zero extension in 𝐘loc(d;N).

Step 1. We start by showing that, for every r>0, there exists a subsequence of j’s (the choice of subsequence might depend on r) such that

r-dT#(x0,r)μj𝐘σ(r)in 𝐘loc(d;N).

Moreover, for d-a.e. x0Ω, one can show that a uniform bound

supr>0𝟙K||,σ(r)<for every Kd

holds; thus, by Lemma 5, there exists a sequence of positive numbers rm0 and a Young measure σ for which

σ(rm)*σin 𝐘loc(d;N).

Step 2. For an arbitrary measure γ(Ω;N), the Radon–Nykodým differentiation theorem yields


Consider σ(r) as an element of 𝐘(Q;N). Fix φhC(Q¯)×Lip(N). Using a simple change of variables, we get


Step 3. We now let r=rm in (A.1) and quantify its values as m. This will allow us to characterize σ in terms of ν. Let {gl:=φlhl}lC(Q¯)×Lip(N) be the dense subset of 𝐄(Q;N) provided by Lemma 4 and further assume that x0 verifies the following properties: x0 is a Lebesgue point of the functions

(A.2)xhl,νx+hl,νxdλνdd(x)for all l,

and x0 is a regular point of the measure λν, that is,


Consider σ as an element of 𝐘(Q;N). Setting r=rm in (A.1) and letting m, we get


Here, we have used (A.2) and the dominated convergence theorem to pass to the limit in the first summand, and with the help of (A.3), we used that


to neglect the second summand in the limiting process. Since the set {gl} separates 𝐘(Q;N), Lemma 4 tells us that σy=νx0,σy=νx0,λσ=dλνdd(x0)d for da-e. yQ, and that λσs is the zero measure in (Q¯), as desired.

Step 4. We use a diagonalization principle (where j is the fast index with respect to m) to find a subsequence (μj(m)) such that

γm:=rm-dT#(x0,rm)μj(m)𝐘σin 𝐘loc(d;N).

Step 5. Up to this point, the localization principle presented in [29, Proposition 1] has been adapted to Young measures without imposing any differential constraint. Here we additionally require σ to be an 𝒜k-free Young measure; this is achieved by showing that (γm) is asymptotically 𝒜k-free (on bounded subsets of d). To this end, let us note that


with θjW-k,q0 as j. By scaling we can write


Since rmk-dT#(x0,rm)θjW-k,qC(m)θjW-k,q and for every open Ud there exists a positive constant CU such that


arguing as in Proposition 16 we can choose a further subsequence j(m) such that

𝒜kγm=𝒜k(rm-dT#(x0,r)μj(m))0in Wloc-k,q(d)

and this shows that σ is an 𝒜k-free Young measure.

Step 6. So far we have shown that [σ]=A0d with


and that σ is generated by a sequence (μj)(Q;N) satisfying 𝒜kμj0. Note that without loss of generality we may assume that the measures μj are of the form ujd, where ujL1(Q;N). Indeed, since

γR:=T#(x0,R)μjμjarea strictly in loc(d;N),𝒜k(γR-μj)Wloc-k,q(d)0as R1,


γRρεγRarea strictly in loc(d;N),𝒜k(γR-γRρε)Wloc-k,q(d)0as ε0,

we might use a diagonalization argument (relying on the weak*-metrizability of bounded subsets of 𝐄(Q;N)* and Remarks 2 and 6), where ε appears as the faster index with respect to R, to find a sequence with elements uj:=γR(j)ρε(R(j)) such that

ujd𝐘σ𝐘loc(d;N)  and  𝒜kuj0in Wloc-k,q(d).

Using (2.3), we get

|uj|d*|[σ]|=|A0|din loc(d).

Hence, |uj|d*Λ in (Q¯) with Λ(Q)=0. We are now in a position to apply Lemma 15 to the sequences (uj) and (vj:=A0) to find a sequence zjCper(Q;N)ker𝒜k with Qzjdy=0 and such that (up to taking a subsequence)

(A.4)(A0+zj)d𝐘σin 𝐘(Q;N).

Since the properties of x0 that were involved in Steps 1–3 are valid at d-a.e. x0Ω, the sought localization principle at regular points is proved. ∎

Proof of Proposition 25.

The proof of the localization principle at singular points resembles the one for regular points, with a few exceptions.

Step 1. In comparison to Step 1 from the regular localization principle, we here choose


and we define σr as

cr(x0)T#(x0,r)μj𝐘σ(r)in 𝐘loc(d;N).

Moreover, by [27, Lemma 2.4 and Theorem 2.5] and (A.7) below, at λνs-a.e. x0Ω, it is possible to show that

supr>0𝟙K||,σ(r)=supr>0|λνs|(x0+rK)+d(x0+rK)|λνs|(Qr(x0))<for every Kd.

By the compactness of 𝐘loc(d;N), see Lemma 5, there exists a sequence of positive numbers rm0 and a Young measure σ for which

σ(rm)*σin 𝐘loc(d;N).

Step 2. The calculations of the second step, for the constant cr(x0), is


Step 3. The assumptions of the third step are substituted by assuming that x0 is a λνs-Lebesgue point of the functions

(A.6)x||,νx,xhl,νxfor all l.

We further require that


and that


Hence, defining S:={x0Ω:(A.6), (A.7) and (A.8) hold}, we have λνs(ΩS)=0. Fix x0S. Setting r=rm in (A) and letting m gives


for some γTan(λνs,x0), where we have used that x0S. Moreover,


which implies γ0. Testing with gl=φlhl, we obtain by (A.6) and a similar argument to the one above, that


From the above equations we deduce that σy=δ0 for d-a.e. yQ, σy=νx0 and λσ=γTan(λνs,x0){0}.

Step 4. The arguments of Step 4 remain unchanged except that this time one gets

γm:=cmT#(x0,rm)μj(m)𝐘σin 𝐘(Q,N).

Step 5. This is similar to the corresponding step in the proof of the regular localization principle.

Step 6. Differently from the case at regular points, we want to additionally show λσ(Q)=1 and λσ(Q)=0. There exists 0<ε<1 such that λσ(Qε)=0. Up to taking r=εr (and thus as rm=rmε) in the arguments of Steps 1–4 above, we may assume without loss of generality that λσ(Q)=0 and λσ(Q)=1. This proves the localization principle at singular points. ∎


The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for her/his careful reading of the manuscript which led to a substantial improvement of the presentation.


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Received: 2017-01-27
Revised: 2017-10-04
Accepted: 2017-12-20
Published Online: 2018-01-11
Published in Print: 2020-07-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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