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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 19, 2017

Rigid polyboxes and keller's conjecture

  • Andrzej P. Kisielewicz EMAIL logo
From the journal Advances in Geometry


A cube tiling of ℝd is a family of axis-parallel pairwise disjoint cubes [0,1)d + T = {[0,1)d+t : tT} that cover ℝd. Two cubes [0,1)d + t, [0,1)d + s are called a twin pair if their closures have a complete facet in common. In 1930, Keller conjectured that in every cube tiling of ℝd there is a twin pair. Keller's conjecture is true for dimensions d ≤ 6 and false for all dimensions d ≥ 8. For d = 7 the conjecture is still open. Let x ∈ ℝd, i ∈ [d], and let L(T, x, i) be the set of all ith coordinates ti of vectors tT such that ([0,1)d+t) ∩ ([0,1]d+x) ≠ ø and tixi. Let r(T) = minx∈ℝd max1≤id|L(T,x,i)| and r+(T) = maxx∈ℝd max1≤id|L(T,x,i)|. It is known that Keller's conjecture is true in dimension seven for cube tilings [0,1)7 + T for which r(T) ≤ 2. In the present paper we show that it is also true for d = 7 if r+(T) ≥ 6. Thus, if [0,1)d + T is a counterexample to Keller's conjecture in dimension seven, then r(T), r+(T) ∈ {3, 4, 5}.

MSC 2010: 52C22; 05C69; 94B25; 53C24

J. Lagarias


The author would like to thank the reviewer for his valuable comments which helped to improve the paper.


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Received: 2013-12-26
Revised: 2014-9-12
Revised: 2015-9-12
Published Online: 2017-4-19
Published in Print: 2017-3-28

© 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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