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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 26, 2018

Strategic Effects between Price-takers and Non-price-takers

  • Hans Hirth and Martin Walther EMAIL logo


Price-taking behavior seems to contradict rationality if a price effect is to be expected. This paper identifies a strategic effect between price-takers and non-price-takers on financial markets. It results from the liquidity reduction non-price-taking induces. Thus, a trade-off between the benefits of calculating price impacts correctly and market liquidity exists. It is shown that price-takers may benefit more from trading than their fully rational counterparts do. Moreover, it is demonstrated that when the choice of behavior is unobservable and decision costs exist an investor would profit more as a non-price-taker when his trading potential is large, and more as a price-taker when it is small. However, when the choice of behavior is observable it is the other way around. If various rounds of trading take place, an investor’s terminal endowment converges to his risk tolerance share. Thus, an efficient allocation is obtained. Furthermore, a paradox concerning the endogenous choice of manners of calculation is identified.

JEL Classification: C72; D43; D60; G10



As in Figure 1, the demands ei of a PT and a NPT with the same initial endowments ai are identical at s=μσ2rai. In order to show this, the demand (2) of a PT is set equal to the demand (3) of a NPT with ai. Inserting λ via (5) yields



In order to show that the absolute value of the equilibrium transaction size of a NPT increases in the number of PTs P, the squared equilibrium transaction size of a NPT εnan2 is considered. Its derivative with respect to P is given by


The derivations of ε and π with respect to P amount to

dεdP=dhdPh+Lqqh+1h+L2=12h+L2qL1h+L2 and

Inserting these expressions into (14) yields


In particular, this expression is positive when the signs of qL1 and εan are identical. This means qL1εan>0. Inserting the initial endowment of a representative NPT an=qˉ=1Pq/N and ε=qh+1h+L into this condition yields


which is always true as h0. Thus, dεnan2dP>0 and the absolute value of the equilibrium transaction size of a NPT increases in the number of PTs P.


Before trading, the initial certainty equivalent of an investor i is given by


The certainty equivalent after trading has taken place amounts to


Inserting the equilibrium values of s and en or ep, respectively, into (15) yields the certainty equivalent of a PT or NPT, respectively:

Φp=σ22rqh+1h+L2σ2rqh+1h+Lap+μap+cp and

Thus, the increases in welfare ΔΦi=ΦiΦiinitial are given by

(16)ΔΦp=σ22rqh+1h+Lap2=σ22rεap2 and

Given P PTs, a PT pprofits more (less) from trading than a NPT n does if ΔΦp>(<)ΔΦn. Because of (16) and (17), this is the case if




By substituting π=PP+h, (18) can be written as


Inserting εnan=πεan from (9) yields





Inserting ap=q,an=1Pq/N, α,h andε into (10) yields


with δ=P/L.

The representative PT p profits more from trading when the left-hand side (LHS) exceeds the right-hand side (RHS). Note that this requires a positive LHS, L>2δ/1δ. Both sides of (19) are squared and rearranged to


(20) can only be satisfied when δ<0.5. Thus, (20) can be restated to


It can be shown that the RHS of (21) exceeds 2δ/1δ within the relevant range. Therefore, (21) together with δ<0.5 are necessary and sufficient conditions for ΔΦp>ΔΦn.


A PT p would profit more if he were a NPT when ΦPap>ΦN+1apc . If he deviates to non-price-taking, the other N NPTs calculate with the “old”  λ because his deviation is unobservable. The PT who becomes a NPT calculates with a different price impact λN+1. It is derived analogously to the basic model. The resulting equilibrium share price sN+1 is given by


The resulting equilibrium demand of the PT who becomes a NPT amounts to


where ε=1+qhL+h. Inserting sN+1 and eN+1 and P=hh+L2 into ΦPap>ΦN+1apc yields


Thus, a PT would not profit more if he were a NPT when his trading potential is sufficiently small: εap<u, with u=2rσ2L+hL+h2L+h121c.

Analogously, a NPT would not profit more if he were a PT when  Φnc>ΦP+1. As his deviation is not observable, the remaining NPTs calculate with the “old” λ . The resulting share price sP+1 amounts to


The equilibrium demand of the “new” PT is given by


Inserting these expression into ΦP+1ap<Φnapc yields


with l=2rσ2cL+h12L+h2L+h.

Thus, a NPT would not profit more if he were a PT when his trading potential is sufficiently large. When c=0, every investor with positive trading potential would profit more as NPT.


The PT’s increase in certainty equivalent is given by

ΔΦp=σ22rqh+1h+Lap2=σ22rεap2. If the PT deviates to non-price-taking behavior, the initial endowment a PT holds on average q changes to q=PqaP1. The price-impact is given by λN+1=σ2rP1h, with h=hΔ and Δ only being dependent on L and P. As a result the trading potential changes to ε=qhΔ+1hΔ+L, which leads to ΔΦN+1=σ22r1+2hΔP11+hΔP12qhΔ+1hΔ+Lan2. Inserting the expressions for ΔΦp and ΔΦN+1 into ΦPa>(<)ΦN+1a  yields

ΔΦN+1=σ22r1+2hΔP11+hΔP12qhΔ+1hΔ+Lan2. Inserting the expressions for ΔΦp and ΔΦN+1 into ΦPa>(<)ΦN+1a yields


with Q=εaqa. Three cases have to be distinguished. First, h+L+hPΔP1Q<0 is considered. In this case ΦPa>(<)ΦN+1a leads to


which can be rewritten to


In the second and third case, h+L+hPΔP1Q>0. If Q>0, ΦPa>(<)ΦN+1a yields


If Q<0,


In all of the cases, the PT would not profit more as a NPT if the absolute value of Q is sufficiently high, which implies his trading potential has to be sufficiently high.


In the following the condition for depds=rpσ2<dends=1λρ+σ2rn is derived. Inserting λρ into this inequality yields


Inserting hρ and squaring both sides leads to


Restating yields


This means that the price-demand function of a NPT sen can be flatter than that of a PT if ρ=rprn is sufficiently small.


λρ is given by


where hρ=ρ1δL+L24LδL1ρ1δLL2. Its derivative with respect to δ amounts to


This expression is positive (negative) if


where Aρ1δL+L24LδL1. Squaring both sides yields


Restating leads to



In order to derive eq. (13), recall the eqs (3) and (4): p=1Pep=prpσ2μs and ens=1λn+σ2rμs+λnan. With Rp denoting prp the equilibrium share price is given by


Differentiating with respect to en yields


Consequently, the price effect of a NPT in is given by 1λi=Rpσ2+ji1λj+σ2rj. Subtracting 1λi from 1λn yields


Solving for λi delivers


which finally yields


Inserting this expression into 1λn=Rpσ2+jn1λj+σ2rj leads to eq. (13).


In the case of N=2λ1 is given by


with h1=121+1+4r1R1r1R2r2R2. Analogously, λ2=σ2r2h2. Inserting λ1 and λ2 into the market clearing condition 1=p=1Pep+n=1Nenand solving for s yields


with γA=1+h1h2pap+h11a1+h21a21+h1h2RpR+h11r1R+h21r2r.


Investor i’s increase in certainty equivalent is given by


Inserting the PT’s equilibrium demand ep=γARrp yields


Analogously, inserting en=11+hnγARrn+hnan delivers


With the help of these two expressions, Proposition 1 A follows:


with αA1+2hn1+hn2<1. In order to obtain Proposition 2 A, the investors’ transaction sizes are considered. ΔΦp>(<)ΔΦn can be restated to


which can be rewritten to



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Published Online: 2018-01-26

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