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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 24, 2014

Relationships between 3D roughness parameters and visuotactile perception of surfaces of maritime pinewood and MDF

  • Tahiana Ramananantoandro EMAIL logo , Pierre Larricq and Olivier Eterradossi
From the journal Holzforschung


The objective measurement and subjective estimation of the surface quality by the consumers are important issues for furniture production and marketing. The objective of the present study is to find suitable (objective) roughness parameters that are linked to human sensation. Maritime pinewood and medium-density fiberboard (MDF) made from the same species are in focus. The roughness was measured by means of a 3D confocal profilometer and 13 independent 3D roughness parameters were computed. The quality of surfaces was modified through sanding, whereas the grit size of sand papers ranged between P60 and P320. The applied pressure and sanding time were controlled. The subjective estimation of the surface aspects was performed by several individuals through sensorial analysis. Biplots of several roughness parameters versus tactile rank revealed in the case of MDF a significant correlation to arithmetical average roughness Sa and valley material component Sr2. For pinewood, the parameters arithmetical average roughness Sa and texture aspect ratio Str correlated best to tactile rank.

Corresponding author: Tahiana Ramananantoandro, Université d’Antananarivo, Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques, Département des Eaux et Forêts, BP 175 Antananarivo 101, Madagascar, Phone: +00261324433225, e-mail:

We thank the test persons for help with collecting data for sensory analysis and Weyerhaueser Mediland SAS (Landes, France) for providing the MDF samples.


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Received: 2012-12-1
Accepted: 2013-7-12
Published Online: 2014-01-24
Published in Print: 2014-01-01

©2014 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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