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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 1, 2007

Gold as an X-ray CT scanning contrast agent: Effect on the mechanical properties of wood plastic composites

  • Yi Wang , Lech Muszynski and John Simonsen
From the journal Holzforschung


Wood plastic composites (WPCs) are typically composed of wood particles, thermoplastic polymers and small amounts of additives. Further improvement of WPC technology requires a better understanding of their mechanical performance and durability on the micro level. X-ray computed tomography (CT) and advanced imaging techniques can provide visualization and support characterization of the internal structure, deformation and damage accumulation in WPCs under loading and various environmental exposures. However, both wood and thermoplastics are weakly attenuating materials for X-ray and good contrast between these two components is difficult to obtain. In the present study, chemically inert gold nano-particles and micro-particles were investigated as contrast agents to improve X-ray CT scanning contrast between wood and thermoplastics. The effect of adding 1% (by wt.) gold nano- and micro-particles on the tensile properties of wood/high-density polyethylene composites was addressed. Samples with and without surfactant were tested in tension and scanned on a custom desktop X-ray CT system. It was found that the addition of gold particles did not impair the WPC tensile properties. However, some of the tensile properties were significantly affected if the surfactant was included. Gold micro-particles were shown to disperse well without surfactant and significantly improve the X-ray CT scanning contrast between wood and polymer, while gold nano-particles (without surfactant) did not disperse well and do not contribute to contrast improvement.

Corresponding author. Department of Wood Science and Engineering, 119 Richardson Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5751, USA

Received: 2007-2-13
Accepted: 2007-7-16
Published Online: 2007-11-01
Published in Print: 2007-11-01

©2007 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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