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Publicly Available Published by Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag August 10, 2017

Use of Information and Communication Technology in Healthcare Context by Older Adults in Germany: Initial Results of the Tech4Age Long-Term Study

  • Alexander Mertens

    Dr.-Ing. Dr. rer. medic. Dipl.-Inform. Alexander Mertens finished his master in Computer Science with focus on human-computer interaction and neurophysiology at RWTH Aachen University in 2008. In the year 2012 he finished his PhD in Theoretical Medicine and in 2014 his PhD in Industrial Engineering. As Chief Engineer at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University (IAW) he heads the “Ergonomics and Human-Machine Systems” department. In the year 2014 he got an individual funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) which he used to establish the research group Tech4Age at IAW. His research interests focus on designing target group specifics user interfaces for mobile information and communication technology.

    , Peter Rasche

    Peter Rasche is research assistant and PhD Candidate at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. He completed his M.Sc. in “Management Science and Engineering” from the Tsinghua University Beijing (P.R. China) as well a M.Sc. in “Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration” from the RWTH Aachen University. With his colleagues, he has been a recipient of the 2015 Best Paper Award of the 7th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design in the context of HCI International 2015. His research interests focus on adaptive mobile interfaces for emergency situations.

    , Sabine Theis

    Sabine Theis is research assistant and PhD candidate at the RWTH Aachen University. After completing a M.Sc. in Information Science at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in 2011, she worked at the national research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands (CWI) and at the Fraunhofer FKIE in Bonn. Her research interests include the development and evaluation of data and information visualization systems from user-driven perspectives. She uses controlled experiments as a way to understand human capabilities with respect to perception and attention and therewith identify actionable implications for elderlies’ understanding of personal health data.

    , Christina Bröhl

    Christina Bröhl is a research assistant and PhD candidate at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. She received her M.Sc. in psychology from Maastricht University, Netherlands in 2011. Her research interests include cognitive engineering, neuroergonomics, user experience design and human performance modeling. Ms. Bröhl’s Ph.D. thesis aims at understanding the cognitive mechanisms of human perception and attention. Specifically, she focuses on identifying influences on perception in peripersonal space during the course of aging.

    and Matthias Wille

    Dr. phil. Dipl. Psych. Matthias Wille studied psychology at the RWTH Aachen University, where he finished his PhD about “self-induced speed variation in driving” in 2009. Till then he managed projects in the field of driver assistance systems, work assistance by head-mounted displays and also develops touchscreen interfaces for music applications. He is now head of the research group Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics in Healthcare (HFE²H) at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His research interests focus on multimodal human computer interaction, ergonomics, performance and subjective and objective strain.

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In 2016 the interdisciplinary research team Tech4Age started its long-term survey to evaluate the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by older adults (60+) in Germany. This study focuses on the use of ICT devices and applications, the evaluation how these devices are operated in terms of ergonomic hand positions, the investigation of health information usage as well as technology affinity, health literacy and computer literacy. The first run of the Tech4Age long-term study was done by sending a paper-based questionnaire to 5,000 individuals older than 60 years randomly selected from the total German population and equally locally distributed within Germany. Responses were collected from N = 551 participants with a mean age of 69.17 years (SD = 5.787). The gender ratio of the sample is balanced, including 51.3% male and 48.7% female. Results provide descriptive insights into technology usage and knowledge about influencing factors. Older adults already use modern ICT on a large scale, for example to do online banking or for mobility reasons (navigation, booking tickets, etc.), but health-related ICT products and applications have been used less, mainly due to mistrust. Investigation of health information usage showed that doctors and pharmacists are the main sources older adults rely on. Two thirds of all participants were satisfied with general information they got about health. The evaluation of the ergonomic use of ICT devices revealed a common way of use, namely that a majority of older adults prefer to use their ICT devices in the case of a small display in portrait mode and in the case of larger displays in portrait as well as landscape mode. Touch input is always performed with a finger or the second hand, the one not holding the device. The article will present and discuss the results in detail.

1 Introduction

Demographic change and increasing digitalization are two of the current megatrends directly impacting the everyday life of people. While the shift in age distribution among the German population towards an ever-increasing average age, and therefore also the significantly increasing prevalence and incidence of chronic diseases, represent an ongoing complication for the standard of high-quality healthcare processes, the diffusion of mobile information and communication technologies, e.g. in the form of smartphones and tablets, offers great potential for implementing low-threshold, location-independent and patient-specific healthcare in terms of electronic health (‘e-health’). In order to sustainably integrate digital technologies into health services, it is of utmost importance that innovative user-centric technical systems and services are developed. Future user needs, as well as the application context and the tasks, have to be identified. In this way, hurdles such as unsuitable user interfaces resulting from the wrong assumptions regarding abilities, skills and experiences for each designated user have to be overcome. This is particularly relevant to the field of digital health applications, as the risk of being stigmatized as needy for example can be particularly high and thus adversely impact the acceptance of independent technology usage. This in turn can adversely affect adherence and thus lead to negative effects for the user, his/her social environment and the health system. In order to generalize factors having an impact on the use of health technology by older adults in Germany, various studies have been conducted and were able to identify changes over time. Changes over time are happening especially fast with regard to technology development.

The objective to provide a representative overview of the living conditions of (older) people in Germany, and in so doing identifying societal changes over time, has already been pursued in the form of various long-term studies and repeat surveys (Altersstudie Generali, ARD/ZDF Online Studie, Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP), Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), Deutscher Alterssurvey (DEAS)). While the aforementioned studies integrate general questions about health and health behavior as well as the use of technology, the link between these two important life spheres is not investigated in sufficient depth to establish the specific requirements for human–technology interaction (like user tasks or interaction paradigms) or to prospectively support a targeted group-specific development of e-health solutions.

Therefore, the research group Tech4Age has formulated a long-term study, focusing precisely on concrete adaptation dimensions of human–machine interaction within the e-health context. Through participative measures, the interdisciplinary team of engineers, economists, computer scientists, psychologists, sociologists and medics focuses on the ergonomic design of human–computer interfaces of digital health systems and services, so that these can be integrated sustainably into the patient-specific care of older and thus maybe inexperienced users (see also [11], [9]). The research of the Tech4Age team is part of a cross-disciplinary program within the framework of individual funding from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research for forming the junior research group (grant number: 16SV7111). The research is integrated into the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University. The results are comprehensibly prepared for both the scientific exchange and development of skills, as well as for application in industrial practice in a pattern language for all disciplines and domains and are freely available at

A truly needs-orientated design of technical support systems requires an age-differentiated analysis of diffusion, technology-independent information need, information and technology usage as well as the experience of/with information and technology. Through this, barriers and obstacles for technology diffusion can be identified proactively so as to provide suitable design recommendations and to develop alternative approaches and to inform actors who build technology-supported health processes. Besides information and information technology, personal variables are examined and assessed to shed light onto subject-specific influencing factors.

For the first time, this study provides comprehensive data on the current status quo of the interaction-specific use of mobile health applications and technologies together with individual user characteristics, needs and context-specific influencing factors of old and very old adults in Germany. This article will present the descriptive data taken from the first round of the Tech4Age long-term study, which was carried out in the summer of 2016. The study will be carried out again every three years from now on, in order to be able to respond to requirement and parameter changes.

2 Method

2.1 Questionnaire Construction

In order to map user- and context-dependent parameters together with technology-specific usage aspects the Tech4Age questionnaire consists of topically different parts representing each aspect. Existing validated tools were combined with standard demographic- and health-related items as well as with newly included items. The topical order of the questionnaire remained the same for all participants, starting with ten demographic items and 25 items on personal ICT usage. Subsequently 19 theory-based items on information need and behavior and 62 items on (health) application usage (mobile applications, user tasks, mobile interaction) were followed by standardized questionnaires on computer and health literacy as well as on technological affinity. The social desirability scale aimed at examining the latter. Most of the questions had closed answers, where participants had to mark one or multiple predefined answers or rate statements on a Likert scale. Open questions were applied in some cases to gain insight on motivational background and reasons for a certain behavior or to collect answers beyond already known ones. Open-ended answers were coded by two independent investigators for analysis.

As mentioned, the survey started with demographic questions: year of birth, gender, living conditions like who lives within the same household, urban or rural residential area, educational achievement, years of being in retirement, (previous) profession and a list of chronic diseases. These were followed by a section asking about ICT and internet use: (mobile) internet usage at home and average usage per day, followed by a list to indicate usage of devices like desktop computer, smartphone (defined as having a touchscreen), mobile phone (defined as working with hardware buttons), tablet, smartwatch and how long participants have owned these devices. Furthermore, usage of health-related devices like fitness tracker, blood glucose meter, home emergency call system, navigation, e-book or smart home were queried, together with corresponding purchasing reasons. Finally, the last question of this block queried who supports technical service of the mentioned devices (like installing apps) and device usage frequency (daily, every two to three days, weekly, monthly, never).

The next section had the topic of health-related information need and behavior. It started with an adapted version of the EU-HLS-47 consisting of 15 instead of 47 items to assess participants’ health competence selected in an expert workshop. Following this, general health information need and trust in information sources (TV, magazines, internet, doctor and pharmacist, family and friends or other) were investigated. Subsequently, questions were asked on topic-related information need (diagnosis, therapy, interdependency of medicine) resulting from pre-study interviews. This section closed with a question on information sources participants use to access (personal) health information and with a question on characteristics of health information search behavior considered as relevant in theoretical models [13].

The subsequent section focused on (health) application usage. Here, it was asked how many applications participants have installed on their smartphone and on their tablet and how often they use them. Furthermore, it was asked if they sort smartphone applications following special rules and where they get information about apps. Then usage of different types of health application were queried, like applications on measuring pulse or calories, or first aid apps, diagnosis, fitness and medicine reminders, applications enabling communication with the doctor or doctor rating applications. Furthermore, participants were asked how many health-related apps they have installed on their smartphone or tablet and how often they use them. After that it was asked what participants consider as reasons against the use of health applications. Thereby, a more detailed picture should be drawn of how older adults already use or are willing to use health related applications. This attempt is a more in depth as was found in related surveys. Demographics and personal information asked in the first block were used as reference for more detailed analysis and insights.

The health application related block was followed by a block about general application and information and communication technology usage. First a list of user goals and activities (navigation, playing, shopping, banking, writing letters and messages, taking photos) was sketched against possible media (desktop computer, smartphone, tablet, other) to conduct each mentioned activity. The idea behind this question was to determine which parts of everyday life are already digitally assisted and which ones are preferred to be performed in person. Then came questions about the experience of controlling devices with different input technologies (mouse, touch), about how satisfied they were with those input technologies and about the hand position during touchscreen interaction for reading and writing shorter or longer text.

Finally a section of standard questionnaires followed: the computer literacy scale (CLS, [7]), which indicates how familiar participants are with computer symbols, a section on technological affinity [3], a section on social desirability [15] and the adapted version of the health literacy scale [8]. At the end of the questionnaire participants had space for further remarks.

2.2 Procedure

Together with a one-page cover letter describing the reason for the contact and the request for participation in this study the 15-page paper-based questionnaire was sent to N = 5,000 adults with an age of 60 years and older in June 2016. Potential participants’ addresses were selected randomly restricted by age criteria (equal or above 60 years) and a balanced gender distribution within Germany by a service provider. Returned surveys were digitalized through Remark Office software. In cases of uncertainty of the Remark output a questionnaire was visually inspected and values were transcribed by hand. The data matrix output of Remark was subsequently analyzed with SPSS 22.

2.3 Restrictions

A total of 586 participants responded to our questionnaire. Thirty-five participants had to be excluded because they were younger than 60 years, resulting in a final sample size of N=551 and a response rate of 11%.

Beyond this paper-based questionnaire a corresponding online version was created. Participants were given the option to answer the online version instead of the paper-based one. Furthermore, the online questionnaire was advertised in social media. 141 participants answered that way. However, this sample is not part of the present paper as the age structure of the participants differed widely and ranged from 20–80 years and as it is known that participants of online questionnaires do in general differ from participants in paper-based questionnaires [10].

2.4 Participants

The mean age of the participants was 69.17 (SD = 5.787) and ranged from 60–90 years (see figure 1). The gender ratio of the sample was balanced including 51.3% males and 48.7% females. Most of them lived in their own house or flat (n = 391; 71%), second most in a rented apartment (n = 151; 27.4%). Only two participants lived in assisted accommodation. 333 participants (60.4%) lived in an urban area and 216 (39.2%) in a rural area. Table 1 shows the highest educational achievement of our participants. 441 participants (80%) were already retired, while 109 (19.8%) were still working. Table 2 shows participants’ (previous) professional domains.

Figure 1 
              Participants’ age distribution.
Figure 1

Participants’ age distribution.

Table 1

Highest educational achievement.

Educational achievement Percent of sample n
No achievement 0.2 1
Secondary school (Hauptschule) 10.0 55
Secondary school (Realschule) 16.0 88
Apprenticeship 31.9 176
University-entrance diploma (Abitur) 5.8 32
Academic studies 33.2 183
Other 2.5 14

Table 2

Field of work.

Field of work Percent of sample n
Housewife/husband 2.0 11
Handcraft 12.2 67
Trading / administration 37.9 209
Technical / natural science 14.9 82
Social / humanities 11.8 65
Medical (-care) 7.6 42
Others 9.1 50

The global technological affinity had an average value of 3.23 (SD = .701) on a five-point Likert scale. While the average on the subscale acceptance was M = 2.71 (SD = .969), participants’ competence scored on average M = 3.36 (SD = 1.025) and the locus of control dimension had a mean value of M = 3.59 (SD = .874). The social desirability of participants’ answers was on average 5.18 (SD = .672) on a seven-point Likert scale. The subscales self-delusion (M = 5.08, SD = .753) and external delusion (M = 5.28, SD = .969) had similar average values. Technological affinity [3] and social desirability [15] will be discussed later (chapter 3.5) while in this paragraph mean values are presented to characterize the sample.

3 Results

3.1 Information and Communication Technology Used by Older Adults

One aspect of the Tech4Age long-term study is to investigate the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) within older adults’ everyday life. Pre-studies revealed aspects regarding the actual use as well as the acquisition reasons of ICT [5], [6]. Based on these pre-studies descriptive results of the long-term study will provide a more profound and detailed insight by providing answers to the following research questions: (1) How is ICT used among older adults and what are the reasons for technology acquisition? (2) If used, who administrates ICT products? (3) Do older adults use the internet and if so in which situations? (4) Which everyday activities do older adults perform with the help of ICT?

3.1.1 ICT Used Among Older Adults and Reasons for Acquisition

About 77.7% (n = 428) of all participants have a desktop computer or laptop followed by 49.2% (n = 271) who own a smartphone. The group of cell phone users (devices without touch display) is with 55.4% (n = 305) of this sample bigger than the group of smartphone owners, while both groups do also overlap. Some 28.3% (n = 156) of the participants own a tablet and 1.1% (n = 6) even stated they use a smartwatch.

Besides the use of common mobile devices (e.g. smartphone or tablet) the use of (health) technology like navigation systems, activity trackers or home automation systems was investigated. Results are shown in table 3.

Table 3

Technological devices used by older adults (N = 551; multiple answers allowed).

Technological devices Percent of sample n
Navigation system 52.3 288
E-book reader 18.3 101
Blood glucose meter 18.3 101
Activity tracker 7.3 40
House emergency call 1.6 9
Home automation system 0.7 4

Table 4

Reasons for acquiring an ICT device (coded open-ended answers).

ICT device Reason n in sample
Smartphone (n = 286) Communication and availability 185
Curiosity, fun and new technical possibilities 101
External circumstances (gift …) 33
Profession 19
Practical reasons 8
Tablet (n = 163) Curiosity, fun and new technical possibilities 99
Practical reasons 34
Communication and availability 13
Profession 10
External circumstances (gift …) 6
Desktop computer/Laptop (n = 415) Curiosity, fun and new technical possibilities 291
Profession 97
Communication and availability 73
External circumstances (gift …) 19
Practical reasons 11
Smartwatch (n = 6) External circumstances (gift …) 2
Curiosity, fun and new technical possibilities 2
Fitness 1
Indicate time 1
E-book reader (n = 97) Pure use for hobbies 76
External circumstances (gift …) 11
Practical reasons 10
Curiosity, fun and new technical possibilities 2
  1. * There is a higher n because of multiple responses.

Participants were asked about the reasons for acquiring the mentioned technological devices such as smartphone, tablet, desktop computer, smartwatch and e-book reader. Open-ended answers were coded. Results are shown in table 4. ‘Communication and accessibility’ means private usage by participants, which includes communication with friends, family and also contact in cases of emergency. Curiosity, fun and new technical possibilities involve working with new technical methods (emails, searches on the internet, storage of photos, etc.) for the participants. External circumstances are for example getting a new device as a gift, the desire to keep up with technology or a defective old device. Practical reasons relate to the operability of the device. Finally, the use for hobbies refers to the technical possibility of realizing these. The motivations for using e-book readers and using smartwatches are similar but differ from the one of the remaining devices where profession and communication was not mentioned.

3.1.2 Administration of ICT Devices

Besides the possession of an ICT device and reason for this, its administration was also questioned in this study, as can be seen in table 5. It is interesting to note that in most cases older adults themselves or their relatives are in charge of administrating ICT products. Therefore relatives and friends are a major support for older adults dealing with ICT.

Table 5

Administration of technical products (multiple answers allowed).

ICT device I myself Family member Friend Service provider Other
Smartphone (n = 271) 195 141 25 21 5
Tablet (n = 156) 114 83 13 13 1
Desktop computer/Laptop (n = 428) 221 222 71 70 8
Smartwatch (n = 6) 6 4 1 1 0
E-book reader (n = 101) 78 27 6 4 0

3.1.3 Use of Internet

The questions with regard to internet access and its use at home or in mobile environments revealed interesting facts. Eighty-four percent (n = 458) of all participants claimed to have fixed internet access, although just 77.7% of all participants have a desktop computer or laptop at home. This shows that some older adults are already go online without a desktop computer or laptop and just use a tablet, a smartphone or a combination of both.

Table 6

Mentioned durations of fixed internet use per day.

Duration of fixed internet use per day Percent of sample n
No use 18.7 100
Up to 15 minutes 17.8 95
15 minutes up to 30 minutes 20.4 109
30 minutes up to 60 minutes 20.6 110
1 hour up to 2 hours 14.4 77
More than 2 hours 8.1 43

Coded open-ended answers regarding not using fixed internet at home included ‘lack of interest’ (1.08%; n = 6), ‘missing social interaction’ (0.54%; n = 3), ‘missing technical requirements’ (0.54%; n = 3), ‘fear of use’ (0.36%; n = 2) and ‘not using personally but my wife or husband’ (0.36%; n = 2). In table 6 the daily duration of internet use at home within our sample is described.

Also the group of persons with mobile internet access is with 54.3% (n = 291) bigger than the group of smartphone or tablet owners alone. This could be explained as some tablet owners do not own a smartphone and vis-à-vis. Asked about their reasons for not using mobile internet, coded open-ended questions revealed reasons like ‘missing technical requirements’ (3.81%; n = 21), ‘lack of interest’ (2.72%; n = 15), ‘lack of knowledge’ (0.36%; n = 2) and ‘not using personally but my wife or husband’ (0.36%; n = 2). In table 7 the daily duration of mobile internet use is described within our sample.

Table 7

Mentioned durations of mobile internet use per day.

Durations of mobile internet use per day Percent of sample n in sample
No use 53.5 295
Up to 15 minutes 23.5 122
15 minutes up to 30 minutes 8.1 42
30 minutes up to 60 minutes 6.9 36
1 hour up to 2 hours 1.7 9
More than 2 hours 2.9 15

The comparison of tables 7 and 8 shows that older adults prefer to use fixed internet at home (this also includes wireless LAN). The use of mobile internet is significantly lower, as a t-test revealed (t (515) = 20.783, p < .001). The results also show that the use of navigation systems is popular. Also entertainment technology like e-book readers is quite often used. More modern products like activity trackers or house automation systems are used less widely (see table 3).

Table 8

Devices used for performing everyday activities.

Activity Smartphone Tablet Desktop computer/Laptop Other (e.g. face-to-face) I don’t perform such an activity
Banking 15 25 210 174 154
Timetable information (bus, train, etc.) 121 85 249 103 111
Ticket booking (bus, train, etc.) 26 30 189 117 202
Navigation 142 47 144 118 144
Playing games 53 53 114 32 294
Writing letters 23 33 353 62 100
Purchasing goods 30 45 201 142 170
Watching videos (YouTube, etc.) 45 66 163 23 280
Sharing confidential information 30 14 82 79 331
Watching TV 9 34 64 209 215
Listening to music 71 41 73 201 192
Reading/viewing messages 139 108 236 170 62
Getting information for everyday life 108 85 228 158 94
Calendar 167 57 108 155 148

3.1.4 Activities Performed via ICT

Participants were asked their preferred methods for performing a number of different activities. The idea behind this question was to determine which parts of everyday life are already digitally assisted and which ones are preferred to be performed in person. Results are shown in table 8.

Results show that the level of digitalization is quite high within our sample. Nearly every second participant used modern technology to perform bank-related tasks like checking balances or transferring money. Participants also reported to use the internet and thus modern technology quite often in the case of mobility, such as for booking a ticket or navigating. But they also mistrust modern technology when it comes to sharing confidential information.

3.1.5 Summary

Older adults use ICT such as smartphones, tablets and the internet. In most cases curiosity and fun were reasons for acquiring an ICT product. Further results show that these devices are frequently used to access the internet at home as well as in mobile settings. The trust in and abilities with the investigated ICT products are great, as many everyday activities are already performed using the internet. Nearly half the participants used the internet to manage their financial matters. The second major topic which ICT products are used for is mobility. Older adults use the internet to book train or bus tickets as well as to plan a journey. Only in the case of sharing confidential information older adults do rely on personal contact. All in all this entire sample showed a surprisingly high integration of ICT and internet into everyday life.

3.2 Use of Health-Related Information and Levels of Trust

Seeking information about one’s health is increasingly documented as a key coping strategy in health-promotive activities and psychosocial adjustment to illness. The way people seek information influences the use of digital health technology and the corresponding levels of acceptance. Health literacy (HL) is considered the capability to obtain, comprehend and use health information in terms of decision-making [8]. Unlike health information seeking behavior (HISB) it includes individual skills [13], [12], [14]. Both concepts were considered as a framework for investigating the elderly’s requirements and needs in terms of digital health applications. Relations between both concepts and interactions with technology usage by the elderly (see section 3.1.1) will also be investigated. Current results focus on descriptives and will answer the following research questions: (1) What health information needs do older adults have? (2) How do older adults seek information about health? (3) What level of health competence do older adults in Germany have?

3.2.1 Information Need: What Do Older Adults Want to Know About Health?

Older adults in Germany are satisfied with the information they get about (personal) health. N = 522 valid answers were given to the question on how satisfied participants are in general with the information they get about health. Sixty-four percent claim to be ‘very satisfied’ and ‘satisfied’ while 27.6% consider their satisfaction with the health information they get as ‘neutral’. Thirty-three participants are not satisfied. The most important health-related topics for older adults in Germany are information on health billing from doctors and health insurances (n = 516, M = 3.05, SD = 0.93). In total N = 511 valid answers were given to the questions on information need related to different topics. Each topic was rated from 1 = ‘very satisfied’ to 5 = ‘very unsatisfied’. Besides billing transparency, older adults are interested the most in medical diagnosis (n = 540, M = 2.27, SD = 0.75), the meaning of examination results (n = 535, M = 2.37, SD = 0.72) as well as therapy and treatment options (n = 530, M = 2.66, SD = 0.83). Health topics which older adults in Germany are least interested in are medication interaction (n = 528, M = 3.15, SD = 0.90), how specific diseases and illnesses evolve (n = 519, M = 2.68, SD = 0.75) and which experiences others have had with their health (n = 510, M = 2.90, SD = 0.59).

3.2.2 Health-information-Seeking Behavior: Which Information Sources Are Used and Trusted?

Descriptive results suggest that older adults in Germany get information about health primarily from their doctor and pharmacist or from TV. The internet in contrast is the least used information source when it comes to searching and finding health-related information. In total 45.6% of N = 551 valid answers find health information on TV, 41.6% find health information in magazines, while 37.4% look on the internet. Doctor and pharmacist are the primary source for 47.9%, while friends and family are only consulted by 38.8% of all older adults in Germany. Information source trust corresponds to the information source usage. Participants trust their doctor and pharmacist the most (M = 1.96, SD = 0.67, n = 539), while their trust in magazines and newspapers is the lowest (M = 3.30, SD = 0.80, n = 492). The answer scale ranged from 1 = ‘very high’ to 5 = ‘very low’. Friends and family (M = 2.80, SD = 0.81, n = 493) are considered nearly as reliable as the internet (M = 2.86, SD = 0.82, n = 449), while TV had an average trust score of M = 2.92 (SD = 0.83, n = 509) and other sources had an average trust score of M = 2.66 (SD = 1.26, n = 47).

3.2.3 Health-Information-Seeking Behavior: With Whom Do Older Adults Share Their Health Information?

Older adults primarily share their information with family and friends (89.7%) and with their doctor or their pharmacist (73.5%). Just over a quarter (25.2%) of older adults in Germany share health-related information with acquaintances and 11.8% share it with health insurance companies. A negligible number of participants share health-related information on social networks, with self-help groups or with people they do not know at all. From N = 551 valid answers only twenty people do not share health-related information at all.

Table 9

Relevance of health information topics for older adults in Germany (multiple answers possible).

Symptom/illnesses information Understand the doctor Understand med. leaflets Medical emergency Treatment dis-/advantages Media credibility Follow medication intake Handling harming behavior Psychological problems Vaccinations Medical checkups Advice from family/friends Support health at work Food package information Assessing own lifestyle
n 519 526 530 528 527 527 527 530 526 530 528 528 451 529 530
M 2.15 2.1 2.6 2.46 3.06 3.25 1.93 1.84 2.43 2.27 2.17 2.58 2.52 2.96 2.27
SD 0.91 0.76 1.05 0.88 0.92 0.96 0.79 0.71 0.93 0.94 0.70 0.86 0.82 1.10 0.84

3.2.4 Health-Information-Seeking Behavior: How Do Older Adults Search for Health Information?

Theoretical work refers to three relevant characteristics of information search: the degree of activeness, causal connection and regularity [12], [13], [14]. Older adults in Germany describe their search for information about health in general or their personal health as active and incidental. On a scale where 1 = ‘fully agree’ and 5 = ‘fully disagree’ the average rating of the statement that their information search is active is M = 2.7 (SD 1.3, n = 387) while it is M = 2.7 (SD 1.22, n = 424) for the statement that their information search is causal. The least consent is received by the statement ‘I search regularly for health information’ with a rating of M = 3.3 (SD = 1.9, n = 361).

3.2.5 Health Literacy: What Do Older Adults Know About Health?

Descriptive results on participants’ health literacy suggest that older adults in Germany have no problems understanding information on health topics. The questions of the health literacy scale queried how the participants would rank the easiness with which information on different topics could be interpreted, see table 9. On a scale from 1 = ‘very good’ to 5 = ‘very bad’ they only ranked ‘information on advantages and disadvantages of treatment methods’ (M = 3.06, SD = 0.92, n = 527) and ‘credibility of the media’ (M = 3.25, SD = 0.96, n = 527) with an average score above three. Topics they were able to understand best included ‘following medication intake’ (M = 1.93, SD = 0.79, n = 527) and the ‘handling of health-harming behavior’ (M = 1.84, SD = 0.71, n = 526).

Figure 2 
                Number of apps installed on devices sorted according to apps in general and mHealth apps in particular.
Figure 2

Number of apps installed on devices sorted according to apps in general and mHealth apps in particular.

3.2.6 Summary: Information Need and Behavior and Its Implications for the Use of Technology

We borrowed the concept of information need and behavior from the domain of information science to investigate the general context for the use of technology by older adults in Germany. For the generation of a general perspective this transpired to be a feasible means. Results suggest that older adults in Germany are satisfied with the information they get about health in general and their personal health in particular. Under the assumption that information need and usage are related to the use of technology, this could have identified that not only usability problems and system complexity prevent older adults from using and accepting technology but that the initial impact is caused by the absence of need for information. Furthermore, descriptive findings suggest that communicating advantages via the doctor and pharmacist might increase technology acceptance. Further analysis of our data will provide insight into the relation of technology acceptance, information need and behavior as well as technology usage.

3.3 General and mHealth Applications Used by Older Adults

The third aim of this study is to investigate whether the full potential of modern ICT products is used by older adults. Therefore the use of apps in general and the use of mHealth apps in particular were investigated. Descriptive results will provide a more profound and detailed insight by means of the following research questions: (1) Do older adults use applications and do they use mHealth applications? (2) What are the reasons for not using mHealth applications? (3) If mHealth applications are used by older adults, what type of applications do they use? (4) How do older adults find out about applications?

3.3.1 Use of Applications and mHealth Applications

Among older adults the use of applications is quite limited in general. The majority only use up to ten general applications on a smartphone or tablet. In the case of mHealth applications the majority do not use any (see figure 2).

Although the majority only uses a small number of apps the frequency of use is quite high. About every third participant uses an application on a daily basis. Due to question design it is unclear whether it is always the same app that they are using, but nevertheless this frequency suggests quite a high level of integration of applications into everyday life. In the case of mHealth applications the frequency of use is different. The majority of the small group of mHealth application users uses them on a weekly or monthly basis (see figure 3).

Figure 3 
                Frequency of use for apps in general and mHealth apps in particular.
Figure 3

Frequency of use for apps in general and mHealth apps in particular.

3.3.2 Type of mHealth Application Used by Older Adults

The low frequency of use of mHealth applications might be related to the type of mHealth applications older adults use (see table 10). Results show that the majority is using fitness apps or rating apps, neither of which are intended to be used more frequently than on a weekly basis. Thirty-seven respondents state that they use this type of app.

Table 10

Types of mHealth apps used by participants (multiple answers allowed).

Type of app Percent of sample n
Fitness app 6.72 37
Rating app 5.99 33
Diabetes management app 3.27 18
App of health insurance company 3.27 18
Pulse measuring app 3.09 17
Calorie tracker 3.09 17
First aid app 2.72 15
Diagnosis app 2.54 14
Emergency health card 2.36 13
Dairy app 1.81 10
Medication reminder 1.63 9
Audiometry or visual test app 0.91 5
Communication app to contact physician 0.73 4

One of the aims within this study was to investigate which sources of information older adults use to retrieve information about applications. Results show that the group of family and friends is the most preferred source of information (see table 11). Interestingly, the app store itself is ranked second. The information presented there is therefore quite important for older adults and should be adjusted to their needs whenever this group is targeted as users.

Table 11

Sources used by older adults to retrieve information about apps (multiple answers allowed).

Source Percent of sample n
Family and friends 43.74 241
App store 21.60 119
Internet 20.15 111
Magazines or newspapers 13.43 74
Television 5.81 32
Experts 4.90 27

3.3.3 Reasons for not Using mHealth Applications

Participants were asked in this section why they do not use mHealth apps. The results show that a lack of trust in mHealth apps is the main reason their use is avoided (see table 12).

Table 12

Mentioned reasons the use of mHealth apps is avoided.

Reason Percent of sample n
Lack of trust 44.1 243
Data privacy 18.0 99
Fear of misdiagnosis 10.5 58
Too complex to use 8.5 47
Lack of self-confidence 5.6 31
No interest 1.81 10
Lacking technical requirements 0.18 1
  1. a Open-ended answers coded for analysis.

3.3.4 Summary

The use of applications in general is quite high in relation to the number of reported smartphones and tablets used. However, the number of used applications is quite low for the majority of older adults. Nevertheless older adults use applications in most cases on a daily basis. Within the group of mHealth applications the most used ones are fitness applications as well as rating applications, the latter used to rate medical services or physicians. The most commonly mentioned reason for not using mHealth applications is a lack of trust followed by concerns regarding data privacy and the fear of misdiagnosis. Results also revealed family and friends as the main preferred source of information regarding applications followed by the app store itself.

3.4 Analysis of Handheld Positions During Touchscreen Interaction

As a result of technical progress, the use of touchscreen devices has become more common in recent years. This may have far-reaching consequences as recent studies have shown that visual information close to the hands is perceived in a different way than information further away from the hands [1]. In order to gain insights on how users hold touchscreen devices during interaction, the present research focuses on a task-dependent analysis of handheld positions, distinguishing between smartphones and tablets.

Touchscreen devices can be operated either vertically or horizontally, with one or both thumbs, or one or more fingers of the same hand or the other one. It is essential to differentiate between tablets and smartphones since they have different sizes, weights and shapes. Research conducted so far investigated approaches of finger placement and hand grasp during touchscreen interaction. With regard to the interaction with tablets, Oulasvirta et al. [4] recommended a symmetric bimanual grip while holding a tablet in landscape orientation as being the most appropriate for ergonomic text input. Regarding smartphone interaction, Wobbrock, Myers and Aung [16] studied a total of eight different postures, four different two-handed postures and four different one-handed postures. They found that the posture of the hand has a significant effect on users’ touch performance and that interaction with the device should not only take place by placing fingers on the front of the device but also that the back of the device should be investigated as a feasible means for interaction.

While previous work provides some approaches to hand position analysis, none of them takes older aged subjects, a thorough differentiation of hand positions, and a comparison between smartphone and tablet interaction into account. Therefore, our survey contained questions regarding hand postures while interacting with smartphones and tablets for three different tasks: typing short text, typing long text, and reading. The hand positions that were studied were:

  1. Holding the device vertically and interacting with the thumb of the same hand.

  2. Holding the device vertically with one hand and interacting with a finger of the other hand.

  3. Holding the device vertically with both hands and interacting with both hands.

  4. Holding the device horizontally and interacting with both thumbs.

  5. Holding the device horizontally with one hand and interacting with a finger of the other hand.

3.4.1 Handheld Positions

Chi-square tests were used to study the effects of handheld positions for the three different tasks separately, as the measurement was at the nominal level. The level of significance was set to α=0.05.

Results of the analysis of handheld positions with regard to smartphone interaction of the generation older than 60 years of age showed significant effects for typing short text (χ2(4,n=52)=93.58,p<.001), typing long text (χ2(4,n=52)=90.12,p<.001) and reading text (χ2(4,n=52)=31.46,p<.001). The visual analysis of the bar graphs (figure 4) shows that, once again, the most prominent position for all three tasks is holding the smartphone vertically and typing with a finger of the other hand.

Results of the analysis of handheld positions with regard to tablet interaction of the generation older than 60 years of age showed significant effects for typing short text (χ2(4,n=52)=38.81,p<.001), typing long text (χ2(4,n=52)=27.81,p<.001) and reading text (χ2(4,n=52)=17.04,p<.001). The visual analysis of the bar graphs (figure 4) shows that the most prominent position for typing long text and reading is holding the tablet horizontally and typing with a finger of the other hand, whereas for typing short text the most prominent position is holding the tablet vertically and typing with a finger of the other hand.

Figure 4 
                Bar graphs for the three different tasks in relation to handheld positions for smartphone and tablet interaction for the generation older than 60 years of age.
Figure 4

Bar graphs for the three different tasks in relation to handheld positions for smartphone and tablet interaction for the generation older than 60 years of age.

3.4.2 Summary

Developing ergonomic user interfaces requires understanding how users naturally hold their devices. The analysis within the scope of our survey shows how older users hold and interact with their smartphones and their tablet in three common tasks.

While the most prominent position when interacting with a smartphone are holding the phone vertically and interacting with a thumb or a finger, there is more variability in the results of the analysis of the interaction with a tablet. This implies that apps for tablets need to account for different hand positions but apps for smartphone interaction should mainly be designed to be used vertically. A detailed evaluation of the results of the study and a comparison of different age groups can be found in [2].

3.5 Correlation of Factors

Beneath these detailed descriptive results on different aspects given in the chapters above, this subchapter will focus on correlations of the scales like social desirability, technical affinity and computer literacy with items like use of internet and apps to characterize the sample more detailed. For all those correlations Spearman’s-Rho is used as most variables like ‘number of apps installed’ use ordinal data sorted in categories like ‘1–5’, ‘6–10’, ‘11–15’ and so on rather than concrete numbers as values.

As was expected technical affinity shows many correlations with other variables and has therefore also in the target group of the elderly a large influence in the use of information and communication technology. Not surprisingly, the scales of technical affinity and computer literacy do highly correlate in a positive manner (rs = .403, p = .000), meaning that those participants with high technical affinity do also have high computer literacy. High positive correlations of technical affinity can be found with the duration of using the internet at home (rs = .474, p = .000) or mobile (rs = .335, p = .000), the number of apps on the smartphone (rs = .349, p = .000) and tablet (rs = .291, p = .000) as well as the frequency of app using on the smartphone (rs = .341, p = .000) or tablet (rs = .345, p = .000). Furthermore technical affinity do correlate negative with age (rs=.172, p = .000), indicating that older persons within the given 60+ sample has less technical affinity, and with gender (rs=.233, p = .000), indicating that woman in general have less technical affinity.

Beneath the correlation with technical affinity the variables of ICT-use correlate highly among each other: Those participants who use the internet often at home use it also often in mobile situations (rs = .475, p = .000) and those with many apps installed on the smartphone have also many apps installed on tablet (rs = .711, p = .000) and it is the same with the frequency of app use on smartphone and tablet (rs = .520, p = .000). These facts do indicate that the use of ICT is platform independent (smartphone – tablet) and independent from the situation (mobile – at home) but mostly moderated by personal traits like technical affinity, which is slightly moderated by age (as mentioned above).

Finally correlations between social desirability and other results of the questionnaire are reported as this tool was integrated as a control indicator whether participants answered truly or if they try to answer how they think the researchers want them to answer. Analysis revealed a correlation between technical affinity and social desirability (rs = .107, p = .016), meaning that those participants with high technical affinity also show high social desirability scores. This can be seen as an indicator that some amount of the technical affinity score is based on the wish of the participants to answer how they think that the researcher wants them to answer. So the mean technical affinity score (3.23 on a five-point Likert scale as mentioned under 2.4) might be biased and a little higher as in reality. However, the only other variable social desirability correlates with – and only in a very small manner – is the number of chronical diseases (rs = .095, p = .030). Here again, as those participants who count more diseases do also have higher social desirability scores, participants might have mentioned chronic diseases although they just suffer in mild or even no manor from these. The fact that no other variables correlate with social desirability shows that at least within that sample participants have answered most honestly and not as they think they should have to answer. The social desirability can help to get insight into this phenomenon and should be integrated in more surveys, especially as it is based on 6 questions only.

Regarding mHealth apps it is worth noticing that neither the number of installed mHealth apps nor the frequency of use on smartphone or tablet-PC correlates with the number of chronical diseases or the amount of being satisfied with the given health information. Instead the number of installed mHealth apps correlates again with technical affinity (smartphone: rs = .294, p = .000; tablet: rs = .167, p = .022). Those participants with many mHealth apps on the smartphone do also have more mHealth apps on the tablet (rs = .556, p = .000) and those participants who use mHealth apps frequently on the smartphone do use them also more often on the tablet (rs = .657, p = .000). Taken together this indicates that the use of mHealth apps is platform independent and linked to the individual technical affinity rather than to the number of chronical diseases or satisfaction with health information.

4 Discussion

This presentation of descriptive results from the first round of the Tech4Age long-term study provides insight into the use of digital health information and technology as well as context parameters of older adults in Germany. Through prospective consideration of the usage context, as well as the user-specific characteristics, this study corresponds to the development of design recommendations within the human-centric development process in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9241-210.

As a supplement to the cross-sectional studies of the Tech4Age research group, where a cohort is analyzed within a fixed and shorter time frame, the realization of a long-term study, in which the target population is observed over a longer period, is highly relevant. With regard to the ever shorter cyclical development of new technological products and their entry into everyday life, valid changes such as attitudes towards technology, acceptance of its use, requirements implicitly defined by information need and behavior as well as obstacles for digital health technology acceptance can be identified. In this way the cohort effect that inevitably occurs in cross-sectional studies can be captured. Research questions can be elicited within the context of the respective time period in which each run was conducted. This continuous ‘monitoring’ ensures the validity and reliability of the design pattern elicited in the cross-sectional studies, in particular when interactions between human and context factors and technology usage have been identified. Through the use of the same questionnaire in the cross-sectional studies as in the long-term studies, a type of ‘expiry date’ can be determined under certain circumstances, if significant changes occur within the target population.

One long-term research question of great importance for the relation between humans, context factors and technology usage is whether or not known performance gaps between younger and older users will turn out to be smaller in the future. This might be the case as the ‘young old people’ of today have grown up with technological systems like computers and have different usage requirements and experiences in their lives than older adults have at the moment. This is of specific interest, as physiological impairments related to age are invariable in the medium term. To this end, it is expected that a further six rounds of data acquisition will be necessary to accurately determine the typical time needed for a transition to a new technology generation.

Due to the almost completely balanced gender ratio of the participants, as well as the randomized selection of the participants from all over Germany, generalizable results will be generated, enabling industry and research users to adapt their products and services much better to the needs and living conditions of older adults. As this relates in particular to health-related applications, this creates direct added value not only for providers of corresponding products, but also for potential users and society in general, as this can effectively increase acceptance of new, location-independent healthcare concepts. In this way, through the expected increase in adherence within the framework of prevention, therapy and rehabilitation in domestic environments, the risks of decompensation and quality of care can generally be significantly increased, enabling chronically ill people to be able to live independently for longer in their own homes and simultaneously reducing the burden on the health system.

In this context, however, a restriction on the transferability of this data to the overall population must be taken into account. Even if all 5,000 questionnaires were sent randomly to people aged over 60, it cannot be ruled out that certain demographic characteristics might correlate with the decision to answer and return the questionnaires. Due to the fact that only those who responded and their corresponding information could be taken into consideration when analyzing the data, a systematic shift cannot be excluded. It is therefore possible that specific profile factors in the study are under- or indeed overrepresented and do not accurately reflect the reality of the status quo among this population category in Germany. This restriction can, however, never be excluded in the case of corresponding study designs, where participation takes place voluntarily and requires a certain level of self-initiative. In spite of this constraint, studies with such limitations have already illustrated their relevance and usefulness to numerous questions for decades; it can be assumed that this will also apply to the Tech4Age long-term study.

4.1 Comparison with Other Surveys

In this last paragraph we now compare exemplarily some of our results to those well-known other surveys focusing on elderly, ICT-use and health mentioned in the introduction. One problem in such a comparison is, that those surveys often have another main topic, other age groups (focusing on age 60+ is rare) and last but not least other answer categories even if using the same questions.

The often cited ‘ARD-ZDF-online Studie’[1] (online survey of the German public service broadcast companies) focused on the use of internet for all ages and had 1508 participants in 2016. They found a mean duration of being online for 85 minutes a day for persons aged between 50 and 69 years and for 28 minutes a day for persons being 70 or older. As our survey did not ask for concrete minutes of being online but had categories (‘0 = no use’, ‘1 = up to 15 minutes’, ‘2 = 15–30 minutes’, ‘3 = 30–60 minutes’, ‘4 = 1–2 hours’, ‘5 = more than 2 hours’), the comparison includes a bit estimation. For the age group of 60–69 we find a mean value of the categories of 2.41 representing something between 15 to 60 minutes of being online, which is less than in the ARD-ZDF-online study but also in an older age category (60–69 instead of 50–69). For the age group from 70 upwards the mean of the categorical data is 1.88 representing something between 1 and 30 minutes of being online. So compared to this study our participants are less online, meaning that at least the time of being online for elderly is not overestimated in our study. Asked for what they are doing online the age group 70+ states in the ARD-ZDF-online study that for 17% they communicated, for 15% they were using media, for 22% they are searching for information, for 30% they play games and for 15% they purchase goods in the internet. Our categories are more detailed, but show similar results, as shown in table 8.

The ‘Altersstudie Generali’[2] (age survey of the insurance company Generali) interviewed about 2000 participants face-to-face, focused on living condition of participants aged between 65 and 85. ICT use and being online were no addressed topics. Results of the ‘Altersstudie Generali’ show that more than 50% live in their own house, which is a bit less than our finding with about 70% living in their own house or flat.

The destatis report ‘Ältere Menschen in Deutschland und der EU, 2016’[3] (report of the german federal office for statistics) state that about 52–55% of the age group 60–79 years are female, whereas this number rises by age. Our sample (aged 60–90 years) included 48.7% woman, which is less than the federal average. Due to destatis 72% of households with persons over 65 own a desktop computer, which is pretty in line with our findings of 77% owning a desktop computer in our sample. According to destatis about 49% of people older than 65 years were online in 2015. In our sample, collected 2016, about 80% of sample were online in 2016. Beneath the process of getting more and more people online each year, a gap remains showing that in our sample more participants are online than compared to the official statistics. However, comparison between this study and official statistics of destatis regarding activities and goals older adults use ICT for shows no differences: 90% write emails, 85% searching for information, 67% do consume online media, 44% do online banking, 39–49% do online shopping (in different categories). Taking into account that those percentages by destatis only refer to online users (not the whole sample) the activities match with those presented here in table 8.

To sum it up: Although surveys on a voluntary basis can never be representative (as they have selective sample, based on the voluntary return of surveys) the Tech4Age long-term study is mostly in line with other well-known statistics and surveys. The sample analyzed in this paper included a bit more (5%) male person answered, some more owners of a house or flat (70% instead of 50% in common) and more persons being online (80% instead of 50%) as the average statistics and representative surveys showed. However, activities and goals using ICT for were same as compared to the ARD-ZDF-online study and the destatis data.

Nevertheless, by utilizing the information gathered in the Tech4Age long-term study one of the biggest obstacles of integrating digital technology into medical care processes with older adults can already be overcome or at least reduced at the product development stage, as product designers and developers get a deeper insight into the lifestyle habits and mental models of prospective elderly users.

Funding statement: The project Tech4Age is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under Grant No. 16SV7111. For more details and information, please see

About the authors

Alexander Mertens

Dr.-Ing. Dr. rer. medic. Dipl.-Inform. Alexander Mertens finished his master in Computer Science with focus on human-computer interaction and neurophysiology at RWTH Aachen University in 2008. In the year 2012 he finished his PhD in Theoretical Medicine and in 2014 his PhD in Industrial Engineering. As Chief Engineer at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University (IAW) he heads the “Ergonomics and Human-Machine Systems” department. In the year 2014 he got an individual funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) which he used to establish the research group Tech4Age at IAW. His research interests focus on designing target group specifics user interfaces for mobile information and communication technology.

Peter Rasche

Peter Rasche is research assistant and PhD Candidate at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. He completed his M.Sc. in “Management Science and Engineering” from the Tsinghua University Beijing (P.R. China) as well a M.Sc. in “Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration” from the RWTH Aachen University. With his colleagues, he has been a recipient of the 2015 Best Paper Award of the 7th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design in the context of HCI International 2015. His research interests focus on adaptive mobile interfaces for emergency situations.

Sabine Theis

Sabine Theis is research assistant and PhD candidate at the RWTH Aachen University. After completing a M.Sc. in Information Science at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in 2011, she worked at the national research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands (CWI) and at the Fraunhofer FKIE in Bonn. Her research interests include the development and evaluation of data and information visualization systems from user-driven perspectives. She uses controlled experiments as a way to understand human capabilities with respect to perception and attention and therewith identify actionable implications for elderlies’ understanding of personal health data.

Christina Bröhl

Christina Bröhl is a research assistant and PhD candidate at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. She received her M.Sc. in psychology from Maastricht University, Netherlands in 2011. Her research interests include cognitive engineering, neuroergonomics, user experience design and human performance modeling. Ms. Bröhl’s Ph.D. thesis aims at understanding the cognitive mechanisms of human perception and attention. Specifically, she focuses on identifying influences on perception in peripersonal space during the course of aging.

Matthias Wille

Dr. phil. Dipl. Psych. Matthias Wille studied psychology at the RWTH Aachen University, where he finished his PhD about “self-induced speed variation in driving” in 2009. Till then he managed projects in the field of driver assistance systems, work assistance by head-mounted displays and also develops touchscreen interfaces for music applications. He is now head of the research group Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics in Healthcare (HFE²H) at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His research interests focus on multimodal human computer interaction, ergonomics, performance and subjective and objective strain.


The interdisciplinary research group Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics in Healthcare (HFE²H) is part of the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University.


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Published Online: 2017-08-10
Published in Print: 2017-08-28

© 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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