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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 21, 2015

Wissensökonomie, organisatorischer Wandel und wissensbasierte Regionalentwicklung

Herausforderungen für die Wirtschaftsgeographie

  • Simone Strambach

Knowledge economy, organisational change and knowledge-based regional development - challenges for economic geography. The paper views the emerging knowledge based economy as an important future research topic for economic geography. Significant changes in the innovation process are characteristics of the increasing global integration of economic activities. The emerging knowledge economy is reflected in the shift from scientifically and technologically based innovation processes to new forms of knowledge creation, which are dominated to a lesser degree by technology. The growing importance of service and organizational innovations in innovation systems of advanced economies is combined with wider diversity of knowledge requirements, which include not only technological know-how but also the integration of economic, organizational, and sociocultural knowledge and competences. The aim of the paper is to indicate the complexity of these processes of change and to show that understanding the territorial dimension of the emerging knowledge economy involves major theoretical, empirical and methodological challenges for economic geography.

Online erschienen: 2015-10-21
Erschienen im Druck: 2004-10-1

© 2015 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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