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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Oldenbourg May 1, 2016

Industrie 4.0 – unterschätzte Herausforderungen oder überbewertete Modeerscheinung?

  • Michael Hüther EMAIL logo


Digitization has entered both the private and the professional life equally fast, enabling households and companies to apply a large number of new technologies. Macroeconomic productivity, however, has stagnated or even deteriorated during the past couple of years. Our analysis yields that digitization-driven productivity leaps are likely in B2B interactions – the famous Industrie 4.0. Only if companies and other institutions intensify the usage of new technologies, productivity progress can be ensured on a big scale. In order for companies to jump on the digitization bandwagon, certain pre-conditions need to be in place: Firstly, given an ageing workforce, lifelong-learning is a necessity for the workers' adoption to constantly changing requirements in the workplace. Secondly, an adequate digital infrastructure is a fundamental prerequisite for the application of high-tech digital technologies.


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Online erschienen: 2016-5-1
Erschienen im Druck: 2016-5-1

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