Do Frugal and Reverse Innovation Foster Sustainability? Introduction of a Conceptual Framework



  • Alexander BremUniversity of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
  • Björn IvensUniversity of Bamberg, Germany
Frugal Innovation, Reverse and practice are given to foster future research in this area


The fields of frugal and reverse innovation as well as sustainability and its management have received tremendous interest in recent times. However, there is little literature on how both fields are related to each other. Hence, this paper gives an overview of research in both areas and provides a view of the relationship between frugal and reverse innovation, sustainability management and performance constructs. The link between frugal and reverse innovation on the one hand and sustainability performance on the other hand is established through a differentiated perspective on dimensions representing different fields of sustainability management, i.e. the sustainability of resources used in value creation, the sustainability of the actual value creation processes, and the sustainability of the outcomes of value creation processes. Moreover, we also argue for a positive link between the three dimensions of sustainability management and a company’s market performance.


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How to Cite

Alexander Brem, Björn Ivens. Do Frugal and Reverse Innovation Foster Sustainability? Introduction of a Conceptual Framework. J.Technol. Manag. Grow. Econ.. 2013, 04, 31-50
Do Frugal and Reverse Innovation Foster Sustainability? Introduction of a Conceptual Framework

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