The interrelated modelling method of the nonlinear dynamics of rigid rotors in passive and active magnetic bearings




rotor dynamics, passive magnetic bearings, active magnetic bearings, magnetic energy, mathematical model, nonlinear vibrations


A method is suggested for building mathematical models of dynamics of rotors in magnetic bearings of different types (passive and active). It is based on Lagrange-Maxwell differential equations in a form identical to that of Routh equations in mechanics. The expressions for magnetic energy and forces in active magnetic bearings with account for control laws for introducing them into the mathematical models have been found by adapting the analytical method of analysing magnetic circuits. This method is based on building equivalent circuits and using the loop flux method to account for dissipation fluxes and magnetic resistances of AMB magnetic circuit sections and ensure noncriticality of the mathematical model to emergence of “zero” gaps and currents. Besides, the mathematical models account for such nonlinearities as nonlinear dependence of magnetic forces on gaps in passive and active magnetic bearings and on currents in the coils of electromagnets, nonlinearities linked to coil inductance, a geometric link between electromagnets in one AMB and links between all AMB in one rotor, which results, among other factors, in connectedness of processes in orthogonal directions. The method’s validity has been confirmed experimentally by a laboratory setup being a prototype of a complete combined magnetic-electromagnetic suspension in small-size rotor machinery. The suggested approach has helped detect in the system and investigate different nonlinear rotor dynamics phenomena such as super- and subharmonic vibrations with determination of resonance modes.

Author Biography

Gennadii Martynenko, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» 21 Bagaliya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Associate professor

Dynamics and Strength of Machine Department


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How to Cite

Martynenko, G. (2016). The interrelated modelling method of the nonlinear dynamics of rigid rotors in passive and active magnetic bearings. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(5(80), 4–13.