Plant Soil Environ., 2004, 50(1):39-45 | DOI: 10.17221/3640-PSE

Pea yield and its quality depending on inoculation, nitrogen and molybdenum fertilization

S. Brkić, Z. Milaković, A. Kristek, M. Antunović
Faculty of Agriculture, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia

The influence of seed inoculation with a bio-preparation of nodule bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum, fertilization of 0, 40, 80, 120 kg N/ha and molybdenum topdressing on the yield of green mass, dry matter, seed, average number of pods per plant, average number of seeds per pod, average nodule number per plant, nodule dry weight as well as plant and seed protein concentration were studied during the two years of investigations on two soils - Mollic Gleysols and Eutric Cambisols. The highest values of all investigated parameters were obtained in the inoculated seed variants with molybdenum application, except the average nodule number per plant where the highest values were achieved in variants without molybdenum. The effect of nitrogen fertilization depended on the soil type, i.e. its chemical properties. The largest number of the investigated parameters obtained the highest values as a result of fertilization with 40 kg N/ha on Mollic Gleysols (3.96% humus). Thus, seed yield was 4.02 t/ha, nodule dry matter 0.482 g per plant whereas seed protein concentration was 26.91%. The largest number of the investigated parameters on Eutric Cambisols (1.07% humus) obtained the highest values with fertilization of 80 kg N/ha where seed yield amounted to 3.65 t/ha, nodule dry matter 0.456 g per plant while seed protein concentration was 26.48%.

Keywords: inoculation; nitrogen fertilization; molybdenum; Rhizobium leguminosarum; field pea; seed yield; proteins; nodule dry weight

Published: January 31, 2004  Show citation

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Brkić S, Milaković Z, Kristek A, Antunović M. Pea yield and its quality depending on inoculation, nitrogen and molybdenum fertilization. Plant Soil Environ.. 2004;50(1):39-45. doi: 10.17221/3640-PSE.
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