J. For. Sci., 2005, 51(10):431-445 | DOI: 10.17221/4577-JFS

Algorithms and software solution of thinning models for SIBYLA growth simulator

M. Fabrika, J. Ďurský
Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Management and Geodesy, Technical University in Zvolen, Zvolen, Slovak Republic

The paper deals with a proposal for a thinning model for the growth simulator SIBYLA. The model is based on an analytical-causal modeling approach. Some partial theorems are tested on experimental data from thinning sample plots. The model is composed of the following components: the model of bio-sociological tree status, the model for score of existence, the model for type of selection, the model for amount of thinning, and the aggregated model of the thinning concept. The appropriate combination of type and amount of thinning allows the user to perform the following thinning concepts: thinning from below, thinning from above, neutral thinning, crop tree thinning, target diameter thinning, target frequency (equilibrium) curve thinning, clear cutting, and thinning by list (interactive thinning). A software solution of the algorithms, and an example of different thinning concepts for selected forest stands is presented at the end of the paper along with a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of the thinning model compared to the SILVA 2.2 model.

Keywords: tree growth models; thinning engine; thinning concepts; forest modeling

Published: October 31, 2005  Show citation

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Fabrika M, Ďurský J. Algorithms and software solution of thinning models for SIBYLA growth simulator. CAAS Agricultural Journals. 2005;51(10):431-445. doi: 10.17221/4577-JFS.
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