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1 October 2006 Early Development of Zooxanthella-containing Eggs of the Corals Porites cylindrica and Montipora digitata: The Endodermal Localization of Zooxanthellae
Mamiko Hirose, Michio Hidaka
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We studied the early development of zooxanthellae-containing eggs of the scleractinian corals Porites cylindrica and Montipora digitata to elucidate how zooxanthellae become localized to the endoderm of planulae during the course of development. In both species, zooxanthellae were distributed evenly in the oocytes and delivered almost equally to the blastomeres during cleavage. In P. cylindrica, gastrulation occurred via delamination or ingression, and blastomeres containing zooxanthellae dropped into the blastocoel during gastrulation. Thus, zooxanthellae were restricted to the endodermal cells at the gastrula or early planula stage in P. cylindrica. In M. digitata, gastrulation occurred by a combination of invagination and epiboly to form a somewhat concave gastrula. Zooxanthellae were present in both endodermal and ectodermal cells of early planulae, but they disappeared from the ectoderm as the planulae matured. In our previous study on two species of Pocillopora, we found that zooxanthellae were localized in eggs as well as in embryos, and that blastomeres containing zooxanthellae later dropped into the blastocoel to become restricted to the endoderm (Hirose et al., 2000). The timing and mechanism of zooxanthella localization and types of gastrulation differed among species belonging to the three genera. These results suggest that zooxanthella localization in the embryos reflects the timing of the determination of presumptive endoderm cells and/or specificity of zooxanthellae toward presumptive endoderm cells.

Mamiko Hirose and Michio Hidaka "Early Development of Zooxanthella-containing Eggs of the Corals Porites cylindrica and Montipora digitata: The Endodermal Localization of Zooxanthellae," Zoological Science 23(10), 873-881, (1 October 2006).
Received: 21 November 2005; Accepted: 1 June 2006; Published: 1 October 2006
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