Modelling and Simulation of Marine Cables with Dynamic Winch and Sheave Contact

Public Deposited
Resource Type
  • Cable-sheave systems are commonly used on marine vessels for lifting and towing applications. As a result of the motion of the vessel, the cable can detach from the surface of the sheave. This thesis presents a simulation of a towed cable system which includes the interaction of the cable with the sheave surface in order to examine variations in the contact between the cable and the sheave. A three-dimensional description of the sheave geometry is implemented in order to accurately model the contact forces as the vessel undergoes six degree-of-freedom motion. To assess the performance of the model, the simulated cable behavior is compared to small scale experimental measurements. Finally, a case study was performed to demonstrate the usage of the simulation to examine variations in cable tension and contact forces for a full-scale system. The method demonstrated can be used in future studies to examine cable detachment behavior.

Thesis Degree Level
Thesis Degree Name
Thesis Degree Discipline
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  • Copyright © 2018 the author(s). Theses may be used for non-commercial research, educational, or related academic purposes only. Such uses include personal study, research, scholarship, and teaching. Theses may only be shared by linking to Carleton University Institutional Repository and no part may be used without proper attribution to the author. No part may be used for commercial purposes directly or indirectly via a for-profit platform; no adaptation or derivative works are permitted without consent from the copyright owner.

Date Created
  • 2018


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