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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access March 1, 2003

On artin algebras with almost all indecomposable modules of projective or injective dimension at most one

  • Andrzej Skowroński EMAIL logo
From the journal Open Mathematics


Let A be an artin algebra over a commutative artin ring R and ind A the category of indecomposable finitely generated right A-modules. Denote $$\mathcal{L}_A$$ to be the full subcategory of ind A formed by the modules X whose all predecessors in ind A have projective dimension at most one, and by $$\mathcal{R}_A$$ the full subcategory of ind A formed by the modules X whose all successors in ind A have injective dimension at most one. Recently, two classes of artin algebras A with $$\mathcal{L}_A \cup \mathcal{R}_A$$ co-finite in ind A, quasi-tilted algebras and generalized double tilted algebras, have been extensively investigated. The aim of the paper is to show that these two classes of algebras exhaust the class of all artin algebras A for which $$\mathcal{L}_A \cup \mathcal{R}_A$$ is co-finite in ind A, and derive some consequences.

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Published Online: 2003-3-1
Published in Print: 2003-3-1

© 2003 Versita Warsaw

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