Online ISSN : 1880-9014
Print ISSN : 0532-8799
ISSN-L : 0532-8799
徐 元斌野村 宏之滝田 光晴戸田 浩之
ジャーナル フリー

2001 年 48 巻 4 号 p. 316-321


The application of MIM (Metal Injection Molding) process for implant material Ti-5A1-2.5Fe alloy has been investigated using blended metal powder. The emphasis is laid upon studying influence of the experimental parameters on the process of alloy element homogenization. Under the sintering condition of 1323 K × 24 h or 1373 K × 10 h, the composition is sufficiently homogenized and a sintered compact with relative density higher than 95% is obtained. The microstructure of the corresponding compacts mainly consist of bunches of parallel aligned needle-like α phase. The tensile strength of the compacts reaches 970 MPa which is higher than that of cast alloy of the same composition, but the elongation is lower than that of the cast alloy. It is speculated that the above phenomena originated from the more excess oxygen content in the compact than that of the cast alloy.

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