Relationship between flow-controlled fiber orientation and spring-in deformation in extrusion deposition additive manufacturing




Thomas, Akshay J.
Barocio, Eduardo
Kapre, Vasudha
Pibulchinda, Pasita
Nguyen, Felix N.
Pipes, R. Byron

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ctures in the scale of multiple meters owing to enhanced stiffness and lower coefficient of thermal expansion primarily in the printing direction. Developing manufacturing process simulations for EDAM requires extensive material characterization including mechanical, thermal, viscoelastic, and thermomechanical property characterization. Further, varying the bead deposition conditions alter the fiber orientation state of the composite, thereby resulting in different anisotropic material properties. This increases the amount of characterization required to enable the digital twin framework. Therefore, we present a framework to infer the fiber orientation properties by conducting limited tensile tests at the composite coupon level. Using the inferred orientation state, we predict the unmeasured mechanical and thermomechanical properties and bypass the need for their experimental characterization. We present the application of this framework to predict the spring-in deformation of a geometry of interest printed using different process conditions.


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