Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Direction for Future Research


  • Utsab Bhattarai University of Western Sydney, Australia



Adaptation, Biodiversity, Climate change, Ecosystem, Freshwater, Marine, Mitigation, Terrestrial


The potential adverse effects of climate change have posed serious threat to all species of the planet in many ways. Species’ functional characteristics strongly influence ecosystem properties. Although significant numbers of studies have already explored the interrelationship between biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate change more focused studies have now begun to appear with the goal of investigating and analyzing the negative consequences of climate change on life support systems. This review paper discusses the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and redirects how these losses of biological species on earth have affected and will continue to have effects on the delivery chain of ecosystem services. Concluding section of this paper spotlights on possible mitigation and adaptation plan of actions which contributes in minimizing climate change induced risks while supporting biodiversity and thus the entire ecosystem services. The timeliness of this review is evident because the concerns regarding the potential impacts of global climate change on species and ecosystem services are widely and seriously recognized as major threat of our time.

HYDRO Nepal Journal

Journal of Water Energy and Environment

Issue: 20

Page: 41-48


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Author Biography

Utsab Bhattarai, University of Western Sydney, Australia

Utsab Bhattarai is a Higher Degree Research Student at University of Western Sydney, Australia. He holds an MS in Resource Management from the USA (2009) and an MA in Rural Development from Tribhuvan University, Nepal (2005). He has gained more than 15 years of professional experiences in teaching and research from several institutes and organizations in Nepal and the USA. He has published few articles in tourism, climate change, and biodiversity. His current research is focused on understanding the local perceptions of climate change and adaptation in the Nepalese Himalayas.




How to Cite

Bhattarai, U. (2017). Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Direction for Future Research. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment, 20, 41–48.


