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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter May 30, 2017

The thermodynamic stability induced by solute co-segregation in nanocrystalline ternary alloys

  • Tao Liang , Zheng Chen , Xiaoqin Yang , Jinyong Zhang and Ping Zhang


The grain growth and thermodynamic stability induced by solute co-segregation in ternary alloys are presented. Grain growth behavior of the single-phase supersaturated grains prepared in Ni–Fe–Pb alloy melt at different undercoolings was investigated by performing isothermal annealings at T = 400 °C–800 °C. Combining the multicomponent Gibbs adsorption equation and Guttmann's grain boundary segregation model, an empirical relation for isothermal grain growth was derived. By application of the model to grain growth in Ni–Fe–Pb, Fe–Cr–Zr and Fe–Ni–Zr alloys, it was predicted that driving grain boundary energy to zero is possible in alloys due to the co-segregation induced by the interactive effect between the solutes Fe/Pb, Zr/Ni and Zr/Cr. A non-linear relationship rather than a simple linear relation between 1/D* (D* the metastable equilibrium grain size) and ln(T) was predicted due to the interactive effect.

*Correspondence address, Associate Professor Xiaoqin Yang, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, P. R. China, Tel.: +86-0516-83897715, Fax: +86-0516-83591870, E-mail: ,


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Received: 2016-10-17
Accepted: 2017-02-09
Published Online: 2017-05-30
Published in Print: 2017-06-12

© 2017, Carl Hanser Verlag, München

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