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Schmitz, B. Zur Messung sozialer Innovationen. Sozialer Fortschritt, 65(1–2), 37-45.
Schmitz, Björn "Zur Messung sozialer Innovationen" Sozialer Fortschritt 65.1–2, 2016, 37-45.
Schmitz, Björn (2016): Zur Messung sozialer Innovationen, in: Sozialer Fortschritt, vol. 65, iss. 1–2, 37-45, [online]


Zur Messung sozialer Innovationen

Schmitz, Björn

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 65 (2016), Iss. 1–2 : pp. 37–45

3 Citations (CrossRef)

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Article Details


Author Details

Schmitz, Björn, Phil!omondo, Bruchhäuser Weg 2.1, 69124 Heidelberg

Cited By

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On Measuring Social Innovation

Due to the increased attention given to the field of social innovations, questions about measurement arise. While there is a variety of measurement approaches, these approaches show a low degree of integration with each other. This paper presents an integrative framework for the measurement of social innovation. Several dimensions will be distinguished, i. e. innovation genesis, intended innovation effects, (unintended) consequences on other stakeholders and environment, and conducive environmental conditions. This allows us to sketch a space of relevant measurement reference values that allows for locating both measurement approaches and the actor"s reference and contribution to social innovation.

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Björn Schmitz: Zur Messung sozialer Innovationen 1