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Categoría temática de Comunicación, Web of Science, bibliometría, mapas científicos, citas, índice h, indicadores bibliométricos, análisis de co-palabras


El campo científico de la comunicación ha experimentado un enorme crecimiento a lo largo de los años, superando incluso a algunas áreas científicas consagradas. Mediante el uso de técnicas bibliométricas, podemos analizar la evolución conceptual, social e intelectual de esta área, así como comprenderla. En particular, el área de «Comunicación» ha sido ampliamente estudiada desde un punto de vista bibliométrico, pero no se ha realizado un análisis conceptual global del área englobado en un marco longitudinal. En este sentido, este artículo muestra el primer análisis de mapas científicos del área de investigación de la comunicación basándose en la Categoría de la Web of Science «Communication», centrándose en la estructura conceptual y cómo esta ha evolucionado. El estudio se ha realizado mediante la herramienta de análisis de mapas científicos SciMAT, basada en los mapas de co-palabras y en el índice-h. Un conjunto de 33.627 artículos científicos, publicados entre 1980 y 2013 en las 74 principales revistas del Journal Citation Reports de la Web of Science, han sido estudiados. Analizando los resultados, podemos destacar que la investigación llevada a cabo en el área de la comunicación se ha centrado en dieciséis áreas temáticas: «infancia», «aspectos psicológicos», «noticias», «audiencias», «sondeos», «publicidad», «salud», «relaciones», «género», «discurso», «comunicación telefónica», «relaciones públicas», «telecomunicaciones», «opinión pública», «activismo» e «Internet». Estas áreas se han desconectado entre ellas progresivamente, lo que conduce a un campo relativamente fragmentado.

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Recibido: 15-10-2017

Revisado: 06-11-2017

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OnlineFirst: 15-02-2018

Fecha publicación: 01-04-2018

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Tiempo de aceptación del artículo: 59 (en días) | Media tiempo aceptación de los manuscritos del número 55: 93 (en días)

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Métricas completas de Comunicar 55

Vistas: 472956

Lectura del abstract: 381390

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Citado por

Citas en Web of Science

Hinojo-Lucena, Francisco-Javier; Duo-Terron, Pablo; Ramos Navas-Parejo, Magdalena; Rodriguez-Jimenez, Carmen; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; . Scientific Performance and Mapping of the Term STEM in Education on the Web of Science SCIENTOMETRICS, 2020.

Liu, Jiacheng; Yu, Fei; Song, Lixin; . A systematic investigation on the research publications that have used the medical expenditure panel survey (MEPS) data through a bibliometrics approach The Washington Post, 2020.

Eugenia Rodriguez-Lopez, Ma; Alcantara-Pilar, Juan Miguel; Del Barrio-Garcia, Salvador; Munoz-Leiva, Francisco; . A review of restaurant research in the last two decades: A bibliometric analysis Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name, 2020.

Moreno Guerrero, Antonio Jose; Romero Rodriguez, Jose Maria; Ramos Navas-Parejo, Magdalena; Alonso Garcia, Santiago; . Bibliometric Analysis on Educational Inspection in the Web of Science Database REICE-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA SOBRE CALIDAD EFICACIA Y CAMBIO EN EDUCACION, 2020.

Kipper, Liane Mahlmann; Furstenau, Leonardo Bertolin; Hoppe, Daniel; Frozza, Rejane; Iepsen, Sandra; . Scopus scientific mapping production in industry 4.0 (2011?2018): a bibliometric analysis JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2019.

Rodriguez-Garcia, Antonio-Manuel; Fernandez Mora, Maria Aranzazu; Moreno Guerrero, Antonio Jose; . SCIENTIFIC EVOLUTION OF LANGUAGE TEACHING IN A UNIVERSITY CONTEXT (1900-2019) TEXTO LIVRE-LINGUAGEM E TECNOLOGIA, 2019.

Vizoso, Angel; Perez-Seijo, Sara; Lopez-Garcia, Xose; . Ten years of research in the highest ranked communication journals. Trends and subjects in JCR and SJR's highest impact publications ADCOMUNICA-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE ESTRATEGIAS TENDENCIAS E INNOVACION EN COMMUNICACION, 2019.

Gutierrez-Gonzalez, Carlos; Gonzalez-Pardo, Rafael; . Between traditions and hypermediations: a reflection for digital communication DIXIT, 2019.

Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Jurado de los Santos, Pedro; Luisa Pertegal-Felices, Maria; Soler Costa, Rebeca; . Bibliometric Study of Scientific Production on the Term Collaborative Learning in Web of Science DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2020.

Nunez, Juan Antonio Lopez; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Navas-Parejo, Magdalena Ramos; Hinojo-Lucena, Francisco-Javier; . Education and Diet in the Scientific Literature: A Study of the Productive, Structural, and Dynamic Development in Web of Science AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 2020.

Jurado de los Santos, Pedro; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Marin-Marin, Jose-Antonio; Soler Costa, Rebeca; . The Term Equity in Education: A Literature Review with Scientific Mapping in Web of Science TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 2020.

Marques, Rogerio Santos; Silva Martins, Luis Oscar; Fernandes, Fabio Matos; Silva, Marcelo Santana; Mendonca Freires, Francisco Gaudencio; . WIND POWER AND COMPETITIVENESS: a bibliometric analysis REAd. Revista EletrOnica de Administragao (Porto Alegre), 2020.

Belmonte, Jesus Lopez; Segura-Robles, Adrian; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Elena Parra-Gonzalez, Maria; . Machine Learning and Big Data in the Impact Literature. A Bibliometric Review with Scientific Mapping in Web of Science RUSC. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, 2020.

Jimenez-Garcia, Mercedes; Ruiz-Chico, Jose; Rafael Pena-Sanchez, Antonio; Antonio Lopez-Sanchez, Jose; . A Bibliometric Analysis of Sports Tourism and Sustainability (2002-2019) EUROPEAN RESEARCH ON MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 2020.

Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Gomez-Garcia, Gerardo; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Rodriguez-Jimenez, Carmen; . Internet Addiction in the Web of Science Database: A Review of the Literature with Scientific Mapping INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN LEARNING, 2020.

Sanchez-Nunez, P; Cobo, MJ; (...); Herrera-Viedma, E. Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Understanding in Advertising: A Bibliometric Analysis IEEE ACCESS, 2020.

Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Marin-Marin, Jose-Antonio; Soler-Costa, Rebeca; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; . Arduino Advances in Web of Science. A Scientific Mapping of Literary Production 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES (ICSET 2019), 2020.

Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Segura-Robles, Adrian; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Parra-Gonzalez, Maria-Elena; . Robotics in Education: A Scientific Mapping of the Literature in Web of Science EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY, 2021.

Vila-Lopez, Natalia; Kuster-Boluda, Ines; . A bibliometric analysis on packaging research: towards sustainable and healthy packages JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY & MARKETING, 2020.

Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Ortiz Molina, Maria Angustias; Sadio-Ramos, Fernando-Jose; Alonso-Garcia, Santiago; . EVOLUTION AND INCIDENCE, IN WOS, OF DIVERSITY IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION REVISTA ESPANOLA DE ORIENTACION Y PSICOPEDAGOGIA, 2020.

Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Marin-Marin, Jose-Antonio; Soler-Costa, Rebeca; . Scientific Development of Educational Artificial Intelligence in Web of Science FUTURE INTERNET, 2020.

Trabadela-Robles, Javier; Nuno-Moral, Maria-Victoria; Guerrero-Bote, Vicente P.; De-Moya-Anegon, Felix; . Analysis of national scientific domains in the Communication field (Scopus, 2003-2018) Opcion, 2020.

Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Elena Parra-Gonzalez, Ma; Segura-Robles, Adrian; Pozo-Sanchez, Santiago; . Scientific Mapping of Gamification in Web of Science EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATION IN HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION, 2020.

Cascon-Katchadourian, Jesus; Moral-Munoz, Jose A.; Liao, Huchang; Cobo, Manuel J.; . Bibliometric analysis of the Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica since its inclusion in the Web of Science (2008-2018) JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2020.

Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Lopez-Nunez, Juan-Antonio; Hinojo-Lucena, Francisco-Javier; . Augmented reality in education. A scientific mapping in Web of Science Información tecnológica, 2000.

Carmona-Serrano, Noemi; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Lopez-Nunez, Juan-Antonio; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; . Trends in Autism Research in the Field of Education in Web of Science: A Bibliometric Study RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, 2020.

Carmona-Serrano, Noemi; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Cuesta-Gomez, Jose-Luis; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; . Documentary Analysis of the Scientific Literature on Autism and Technology in Web of Science RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, 2020.

Jimenez-Garcia, Mercedes; Ruiz-Chico, Jose; Pena-Sanchez, Antonio Rafael; . Landscape and Tourism: Evolution of Research Topics EUROPEAN RESEARCH ON MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 2020.

Soler-Costa, Rebeca; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Marin-Marin, Jose-Antonio; . Co-Word Analysis and Academic Performance of the Term TPACK in Web of Science EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, 2021.

Carmona-Serrano, Noemi; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Marin-Marin, Jose-Antonio; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; . Evolution of the Autism Literature and the Influence of Parents: A Scientific Mapping in Web of Science AMERICAN JOURNAL ON MENTAL RETARDATION, 2021.

Jose Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio; Aranzazu Fernandez-Mora, M.; Ramos Navas-Parejo, Magdalena; Rodriguez-Jimenez, Carmen; . Evolution and Incidence of Language Teaching in the Scientific Community REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE EDUCACION PARA LA JUSTICIA SOCIAL, 2020.

Moreno-Crespo, Pilar; Corchuelo-Fernandez, Celia; Aranzazu Cejudo-Cortes, C. M.; Moreno-Fernandez, Olga; . Teacher training and employment in Spanish scientific research from 1977 to 2019 (Formacion y empleo de profesores en la investigacion cientifica espanola de 1977 a 2019) EDUCACION XX1, 2021.

Marquez-Tejon, Jose; Jimenez-Partearroyo, Montserrat; Benito-Osorio, Diana; . Security as a key contributor to organisational resilience: a bibliometric analysis of enterprise security risk management International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2021.

Ortiz Nunez; Stable Rodriguez; . Evolution and trends in communication research about epidemics and pandemics at the international level REVISTA DE COMUNICACION-PERU, 2021.

Di Zeo-Sanchez, Daniel E.; Sanchez-Nunez, Pablo; Stephens, Camilla; Lucena, M. Isabel; . Characterizing Highly Cited Papers in Mass Cytometry through H-Classics CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2021.

Gil-Torres, Alicia; Martin-Quevedo, Juan; Gomez-Garcia, Salvador; San Jose-De la Rosa, Cristina; . The Coronavirus in the mobile device ecosystem: developers, discourses and reception REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2020.


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Lorenzo, G.; Newbutt, N.; Lorenzo-Lledo, A.; . Global trends in the application of virtual reality for people with autism spectrum disorders: conceptual, intellectual and the social structure of scientific production JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION, 2000.

Marin-Marin, JA; Moreno-Guerrero, AJ; (...); Lopez-Belmonte, J. STEAM in education: a bibliometric analysis of performance and co-words in Web of Science INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEM EDUCATION, 2021.

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Corell-Almuzara, Alfredo; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Marin-Marin, Jose-Antonio; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; . COVID-19 in the Field of Education: State of the Art IJAZ ARABI JOURNAL OF ARABIC LEARNING, 2021.

Ballesteros-Ricaurte, JA; Avendano-Fernandez, E; (...); Granados-Comba, A. Scientific Mapping in the Search for Information. Case Study: Infectious Diseases in Bovines REVISTA CIENTIFICA, 2021.

Segura-Robles, Adrian; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Parra-Gonzalez, Maria-Elena; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; . Review of Research Trends in Learning and the Internet in Higher Education SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 2020.

Ramirez-Garcia, A; Gonzalez-Molina, A; (...); Moyano-Pacheco, M. Interdisciplinarity of scientific production on hate speech and social media: A bibliometric analysis Comunicar, 2022.

Khazaneha, M; Tajedini, O; (...); Sadatmoosavi, A. Thematic evolution of coronavirus disease: a longitudinal co-word analysis LIBRARY HI TECH, 2022.

Sequeiros, JS; Molina-Collado, A; (...); Basil, D. Examining 50 years of social marketing through a bibliometric and science mapping analysis JOURNAL OF SOCIAL MARKETING, 2022.

Vidal, J; Carrasco, RA; (...); Cobo, MJ. Sources Used to Data-Driven Decision-Making in Tourism Management. Identifying the Main Areas of Research MARKETING AND SMART TECHNOLOGIES, 2022.

Segado-Boj, F; Gomez-Garcia, S and Diaz-Campo, J. Intellectual and thematic structure of Communication research in Scopus (1980-2020). A comparative perspective among Spain, Europe, and Latin America PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2022.

Caro-Gonzalez, FJ; Cruz-Diaz, R and Roman-Gravan, P. Historical evolution of the Comunicar Group. An analysis from the Communication area REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 2022.

Leiva, FM; Lopez, MER and Marti, BG. Discovering prominent themes of the application of eye tracking technology in marketing research CUADERNOS DE GESTION, 2022.


Araya-Castillo, L; Hernandez-Perlines, F; (...); Cisneros, MAI. Bibliometric analysis of studies on family firms ECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA, 2021.

Vila-Lopez, N and Kuster-Boluda, I. Product Placement Bibliometric Study: Generic Journals Versus Specific-Communication Journals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, 2021.


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Fernandez-Ramirez, L and Diaz-Campo, J. Research on film editing in Web of Science in communication, film, radio & television, psychology and neurosciences & neurology ARTE INDIVIDUO Y SOCIEDAD, 2021.

Lopez-Belmonte, J; Moreno-Guerrero, AJ; (...); Marin-Marin, JA. Co-word analysis and academic performance from the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology in Web of Science AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 2021.

Fan, YL; Lehmann, S and Blok, A. Extracting the interdisciplinary specialty structures in social media data-based research: A clustering-based network approach JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2022.

Tang, KY; Chen, CC; (...); Tu, YF. Did library learners benefit from m-learning strategies? Research-based evidence from a co-citation network analysis of the literature ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 2022.


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Garcia-Carmona, M; Guerrero, AJM and Garcia, AMR. Retrospective and Prospective Analysis on Educational Leadership: Indicators of Productivity, Dispersion, and Content RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION & LEADERSHIP, 2022.

Aguado-Guadalupe, G; Herrero-Curiel, E and Lucas, ERD. Dynamics of Spanish scientific production in Communication journals in WoS REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 2022.

Moustakas, L. A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Social Cohesion from 1994-2020 PUBLICATIONS, 2022.

Garcia-Marin, D and Salvat-Martinrey, G. Trends in scientific production on disinformation in Spain. Systematic literature review (2016-2021) ADCOMUNICA-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE ESTRATEGIAS TENDENCIAS E INNOVACION EN COMMUNICACION, 2022.

Lucas, ERD; Aguado-Guadalupe, G and Herrero-Curiel, E. Dynamics of Brazilian scientific production in Communication journals in the Web of Science RDBCI-REVISTA DIGITAL DE BIBLIOTECONOMIA E CIENCIA DA INFORMACAO, 2021.

Citas en Scopus

Gil-Torres, A., Martín-Quevedo, J., Gómez-García, S., la Rosa, C.S.J.-D. . Coronavirus in the mobile device ecosystem: Developers, discourses and reception | [El coronavirus en el ecosistema de los dispositivos móviles: Creadores, discursos y recepción]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .

Moreno Guerrero, A.J., Romero Rodríguez, J.M., Navas-Parejo, M.R., García, S.A. . Bibliometric analysis on educational inspection in the web of science database | [Análisis bibliométrico sobre inspección educativa en la base de datos web of science]), REICE. Revista Iberoamericana Sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educacion, .

Lopez-Belmonte, J., Marin-Marin, J.-A., Soler-Costa, R., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J. . Arduino Advances in Web of Science. A Scientific Mapping of Literary Production), IEEE Access, .

Cascón-Katchadourian, J., Moral-Munoz, J.A., Liao, H., Cobo, M.J. . Bibliometric analysis of the revista Espanola de documentacion cientifica since its inclusion in the web of science (2008-2018) | [Análisis bibliométrico de la Revista Española de Documentación Científica desde su inclusión en la Web of Science (2008-2018)]), Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica, .

Segado-Boj, F. . Research on social media and journalism (2003-2017): A bibliometric and content review), Transinformacao, .

Sanchez-Nunez, P., Cobo, M.J., Heras-Pedrosa, C.D.L., Pelaez, J.I., Herrera-Viedma, E. . Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Understanding in Advertising: A Bibliometric Analysis), IEEE Access, .

Trabadela-Robles, J., Nuño-Moral, M.-V., Guerrero-Bote, V.P., De-Moya-anegón, F. . Analysis of national scientific domains in the communication field (Scopus, 2003-2018) | [Análisis de dominios científicos nacionales en comunicación (Scopus, 2003-2018)]), Profesional de la Informacion, .

López-Belmonte, J., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., López-Núñez, J.-A., Hinojo-Lucena, F.-J. . Augmented reality in education. A scientific mapping in Web of Science), Retos, .

Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., Ortiz Molina, M.A., Sadio-Ramos, F.-J., Alonso-García, S. . Evolution and incidence, in wos, of diversity in the field of education | [EvoluciÓn e incidencia, en wos, de la diversidad en el Ámbito educativo]), Revista Espanola de Orientacion y Psicopedagogia, .

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Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., Gómez-García, G., López-Belmonte, J., Rodríguez-Jiménez, C. . Internet addiction in the web of science database: A review of the literature with scientific mapping), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .

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Santana, D. D. D., Pereira, G. B., & Rueda, O. (2019). Implicaciones y retos para la formación en comunicación para el cambio social. Nuevas líneas de abordaje. Palobra: Palabra que obra, 19(2), 109-129.

Guerrero, A. J. M., Mora, M. A. F., Navas-Parejo, M. R., & Jiménez, C. R. (2020). Evolución e Incidencia de la Enseñanza de Lenguas en la Comunidad Científica. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 9(2).

Moreno Guerrero, A. J., Ortiz Molina, M. A., Sadio Ramos, F. J., & Alonso García, S. (2020). Evolución e incidencia, en WOS, de la diversidad en el ámbito educativo.

BT NIK MAT, N. H. (2021). A Conceptual Analysis of Effective Gig Works System for Sustainable Employment in Challenging Times. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(1), 1427-1440.

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Carmona-Serrano, N., Moreno-Guerrero, A. J., Marín-Marín, J. A., & López-Belmonte, J. (2021). Evolution of the Autism Literature and the Influence of Parents: A Scientific Mapping in Web of Science. Brain Sciences, 11(1), 74.


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Moreno-Guerrero, A. J., Hinojo-Lucena, F. J., Navas-Parejo, M. R., & Gómez-García, G. (2020). Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Productivity around Edge Computing and the Internet of Things. IoT, 1(2), 436-450.

Peláez-Repiso, A., Sánchez-Núñez, P., & Calvente, Y. G. (2021). Tax Regulation on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: The Implications for Open Innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), 98.

López-Belmonte, J., Segura-Robles, A., Moreno-Guerrero, A. J., & Parra-González, M. E. (2021). Robotics in Education: A Scientific Mapping of the Literature in Web of Science. Electronics 2021, 10, 291.


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Moreno-Guerrero, A. J., Jurado de los Santos, P., Pertegal-Felices, M. L., & Soler Costa, R. (2020). Bibliometric study of scientific production on the term collaborative learning in web of science. Sustainability, 12(14), 5649.


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Montero-Díaz, J., Cobo, M., Gutiérrez-Salcedo, M., Segado-Boj, F., & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2018). A science mapping analysis of ‘Communication’ WoS subject category (1980-2013). [Mapeo científico de la Categoría «Comunicación» en WoS (1980-2013)]. Comunicar, 55, 81-91.



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