Reference Hub53
Innovations in Digital Banking Service Brand Equity and Millennial Consumerism

Innovations in Digital Banking Service Brand Equity and Millennial Consumerism

Subhankar Das
ISBN13: 9781799851752|ISBN10: 1799851753|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799851769|EISBN13: 9781799851776
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5175-2.ch004
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Das, Subhankar. "Innovations in Digital Banking Service Brand Equity and Millennial Consumerism." Digital Transformation and Innovative Services for Business and Learning, edited by Kamaljeet Sandhu, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 62-79.


Das, S. (2020). Innovations in Digital Banking Service Brand Equity and Millennial Consumerism. In K. Sandhu (Ed.), Digital Transformation and Innovative Services for Business and Learning (pp. 62-79). IGI Global.


Das, Subhankar. "Innovations in Digital Banking Service Brand Equity and Millennial Consumerism." In Digital Transformation and Innovative Services for Business and Learning, edited by Kamaljeet Sandhu, 62-79. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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In the goods industry, the product is considered the primary brand with various attributes. However, in the case of the services industry, the company itself is a primary brand. This chapter is based upon primary research of the services (banking) sector as a case of service branding with services extended marketing mix variables. A model has been developed to identify the impact of services extended marketing variables on customer-based brand equity. Two components of customer-based brand have been given consideration such as brand awareness and brand association. For this purpose, a structured questionnaire was prepared, and a survey was conducted on 400 respondents, and a structural equation model has been applied.

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