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An Appropriate and Complete Tourism Lexicon

An Appropriate and Complete Tourism Lexicon

Mihai Ielenicz, Adrian Nedelcu
Copyright: © 2015 |Volume: 4 |Issue: 3 |Pages: 12
ISSN: 2160-9659|EISSN: 2160-9667|EISBN13: 9781466680418|DOI: 10.4018/IJSEM.2015070102
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Ielenicz, Mihai, and Adrian Nedelcu. "An Appropriate and Complete Tourism Lexicon." IJSEM vol.4, no.3 2015: pp.16-27.


Ielenicz, M. & Nedelcu, A. (2015). An Appropriate and Complete Tourism Lexicon. International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM), 4(3), 16-27.


Ielenicz, Mihai, and Adrian Nedelcu. "An Appropriate and Complete Tourism Lexicon," International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM) 4, no.3: 16-27.

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Activities have been known as starting points in the tourist field since Antiquity. During the millennia, several practical aspects (as types - trips for recreation, sports, specific for the winter season or at the seaside, in aquatic environments, trips for balneal treatments, trips for discovering architectural, artistic treasures, etc., as participation form - from the individual ones to the mass or group ones, as beneficiary or service provider; with general fittings, but also specific ones), as well as theoretical aspects (the progressive achievement of a proper terminology, in order to be used by many participants in the tourist actions; the elaboration of guides, leaflets, encyclopaedias, maps, etc.); complete territorial analyses of tourist resources (considering the revaluation level, approaching tourism issues in treaties, doctoral theses, etc.); the scientific and methodological content of curricula from tourism schools, departments and faculties; setting the meaning of terms and directions in the decisions approved at national and international meetings, etc., have been recorded at the same time with the widening of the concerns in this area. The paper herein approaches the analyses of terms, the extension of the vocabulary basis suitable for the dialogue needs (at least related for the tourist heritage).

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