Innovative Tool Concepts and Experimental Trials of a Flash Reduced Forging of Crankshafts

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In times of increasing international business competition forging companies try to increase their competitiveness by optimization of different factors such as efficient use of resources in the forging process, optimization of processes or managing costs. In common forging processes for geometrically complicated parts such as crankshafts, an excess on material (flash) is technically needed to produce a good part, which results often in a material utilization between 60 % and 80 %. But the material costs in forging represent up to 50 % of the total production costs. By decreasing the flash ratio, the material usage and production costs in forging operations can be reduced significantly, helping to increase the competitiveness of companies. Innovative approaches are required, to achieve a significant reduction of the amount of flash in the forging of complicated parts like crankshafts. For a crankshaft, the development of a new forging sequence was necessary, to achieve the reduction of flash. This development was performed for an industrial two-cylinder crankshaft, based on finite element analysis (FEA) simulations. The new forging sequence consists of three flashless preforming operations, an induction reheating followed by a multidirectional forging and the final forging. By use of this forging sequence the flash ratio was reduced from about 54 % to less than 10 %. The whole forging sequence was set up in an industrial environment and the feasibility of this process chain was proven. Due to the huge reduction of the flash ratio, material as well as energy can be saved from now on, thus increasing the competitiveness of the company.

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March 2015



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