Dynamic Response of FDM Made ABS Parts in Different Part Orientations

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The mechanical properties of a product made in Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) rapid prototyping are strongly dependant on process parameters selected during part fabrication. Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) is a common material used in FDM systems. The advantages of ABS include high strength and rigidity with toughness and these properties make it one of the most common thermoplastics used in engineering applications. This paper describes an experimental investigation of dynamic stressstrain response of ABS parts made by fused deposition modelling for three different part build orientations. Currently there is limited research available for this aspect of ABS material processed by FDM systems. The high strain rate compression tests were performed using a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar apparatus to determine the dynamic stress-strain response and results were compared with quasi-static behaviour of the same specimens.

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