Influence of the Addition of Polypropylene and Compatibilizer in PA6 Membranes Obtained by Phase Inversion

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Polymer blend is the name for the physical mixture of two or more polymers and/or copolymers, and this allows the obtention of new materials with superior properties to those of the pure components. The blends have been used in obtaining membranes in order to improve the barrier properties so that it can separate two phases totally or partially, restricting the transport of one or more chemical species. In this work, polymer membranes were obtained from blends of PA6/PPgAA and PA6/PP/PPgAA by phase inversion method and were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was observed through the diffractograms that there were no significant variations in the characteristic peaks of PA6, and through SEM, it was observed the formation of microporous asymmetric membranes, where they showed a surface with higher porosity to the binary and ternary blends and presented smallest pore diameter for binary blends.

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