A Tool Wear Monitoring System for Steel and Aluminium Alloys Based on the same Sensor Signals and Decision Strategy

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This paper presents a tool wear monitoring system that uses the same signals and prediction strategy for monitoring the machining process of different materials, i.e., a steel and an aluminium alloy. It is an important requirement for a monitoring system to be applied in real applications. Experiments have been performed on a lathe over a range of different cutting conditions, and TiN coated tools were used. The monitoring signals used are the AC feed drive motor current and the cutting vibrations. The geometry tool parameters used as inputs are the tool angle and the radius. The performance of the proposed system was validated against different experiments. In particular, different tests were performed using different numbers of experiments obtaining a rmse for tool wear estimation of 17.63 μm and 13.45 μm for steel and aluminium alloys respectively.

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