The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology
Online ISSN : 1348-1940
Print ISSN : 0917-639X
ISSN-L : 0917-639X
SPring-8 Beamlines for High Pressure Science with Multi-Anvil Apparatus
W. UtsumiK. FunakoshiS. UrakawaM. YamakataK. TsujiH. KonishiO. Shimomura
Author information

1998 Volume 7 Pages 1484-1486


The SPring-8 will open for public use in October, 1997. Three beamlines are now under construction for high pressure research with large volume high pressure apparatus. Two multi-anvil apparatus will be installed on these beamlines. One is a 1500 ton press with a big DIA type guide-block for two stage compression, which is used for the energy dispersive x-ray diffraction study. The other is a 180 ton small DIA press similar to MAX90 at the Photon Factory, which is used for both energy and angle dispersive diffraction as well as an x-ray absorption study.

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© The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology
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