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2015, vol. 13, br. 4, str. 283-292
Infrastructural component of investment-innovative development in small business (by the example of Belgorod region's agricultural complex)
(naslov ne postoji na srpskom)
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of state assignment to the project #26.1511.2014K

Ključne reči: Belgorod region; Agricultural complex; Small business; Private public partnership; Venture fund; Innovative process; Regional center of agricultural technologies transfer; Technological segments; Economic mechanism; Innovations; Investment; Localisation; Licensi
(ne postoji na srpskom)
Conducted an analysis of such possibility as establishment of infrastructure elements of small business investment-innovative development as regional centers of agricultural technologies transfer (RCATT) and venture funds. Basic strategic purposes and principles of RCATT in context of small entrepreneurship were formulated. Technological segments and possible instruments of interaction between small entrepreneurship and RCATT were stated. Practical experience of private public partnership implementation in Russia and abroad was analyzed. The role of venture fund in development of small entrepreneurship was determined and represented in form of investment declaration. The scheme of venture investment implementation with participation (based on materials of Belgorod region) of small business was presented. Individually the key steps of innovation process in small business were analyzed.
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O članku

jezik rada: engleski
vrsta rada: izvorni naučni članak
DOI: 10.5937/jaes13-9629
objavljen u SCIndeksu: 03.02.2016.
metod recenzije: dvostruko anoniman
Creative Commons License 4.0

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