Tough Enough Arbus, Arendt, Didion, McCarthy, Sontag, Weil
by Deborah Nelson
University of Chicago Press, 2017
Cloth: 978-0-226-45777-2 | Paper: 978-0-226-45780-2 | Electronic: 978-0-226-45794-9
DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226457949.001.0001


This book focuses on six brilliant women who are often seen as particularly tough-minded: Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, Susan Sontag, Diane Arbus, and Joan Didion. Aligned with no single tradition, they escape straightforward categories. Yet their work evinces an affinity of style and philosophical viewpoint that derives from a shared attitude toward suffering. What Mary McCarthy called a “cold eye” was not merely a personal aversion to displays of emotion: it was an unsentimental mode of attention that dictated both ethical positions and aesthetic approaches.

Tough Enough traces the careers of these women and their challenges to the pre-eminence of empathy as the ethical posture from which to examine pain. Their writing and art reveal an adamant belief that the hurts of the world must be treated concretely, directly, and realistically, without recourse to either melodrama or callousness. As Deborah Nelson shows, this stance offers an important counter-tradition to the familiar postwar poles of emotional expressivity on the one hand and cool irony on the other. Ultimately, in its insistence on facing reality without consolation or compensation, this austere “school of the unsentimental” offers new ways to approach suffering in both its spectacular forms and all of its ordinariness.


Deborah Nelson is associate professor of English at the University of Chicago. She is the author of Pursuing Privacy in Cold War America.


Tough Enough is a brilliant defense of coldness. Nelson gathers together six extraordinarily well-known modern women who, one way or another, and often in deep—and sometimes conspicuous—concert, championed theological, philosophical, and political principles, as well as aesthetic practices, which together constitute an important school of the unsentimental. For those who are devoted to these six figures, who can’t get enough of them, and who always knew that they somehow belonged together, this illuminating book will be welcomed as a revelation and confirmation.”
— Jeff Nunokawa, author of Note Book

“Thanks to Nelson, we now know that these ‘tough’ women share the trait of unsentimentality, which is not a character defect, as their critics often claimed, but a principled commitment, even a style: austere, pitiless, clinical, unwavering. Frankly feminist, Tough Enough argues that while sentimentalism has earned enormous critical attention, the unsentimental has largely gone unprocessed by literary critics and theorists. This superb book about women, style, criticism, politics, and misogyny is the beginning of the end of that.”
— Bonnie Honig, author of Antigone, Interrupted

"Agree or disagree with the case for unsentimentality, Tough Enough is well worth the time: for Nelson’s insights on some landmark works of the 20th (and for Joan Didion, the 21st) century, and for its considerations on how to face suffering. How to see it and wholly appreciate it without trying to inhabit its emotional space. And to wrest something meaningful from that."
— WBUR, The ARTery

Tough Enough is an important contribution to literary, gender, affect, and trauma studies, and an all-too-timely read in our current political climate, for academic and non-academic readers alike. At a time when the study of the humanities is under threat, Nelson proves, again and again, that analysis of evidence, critical thinking, and argumentation are vital tools for confronting brutal political realities. May we all be tough enough to approach the world as Weil, Arendt, McCarthy, Sontag, Arbus, and Didion.”
— Jacquelyn Ardam | Los Angeles Review of Books

"Nelson is primarily interested in the aesthetic, political, and philosophical concerns guiding the work these women produced; thus, Tough Enough is light on biographical detail, heavy on fine-grained stylistic analysis. Anyone who already admires Weil, Arendt, McCarthy, Sontag, Didion, or Arbus will no doubt appreciate this approach, and Nelson — obviously aware that most readers won't be familiar with all of her subjects — provides some context for each of them."
— Washington Independent Review of Books

"Behind Nelson’s cool rhetoric lurks an exciting thinker . . . . Raising the question of toughness as a methodology and style is compelling and timely, especially at a time when women are both assuming more powerful roles in public life and having to fight against hostile stereotypes. Nelson is intellectually tough enough to take on these six case studies."
— Times Literary Supplement

"Living with suffering, living with failure, living with facts, living without comfort—that’s the kind of life, collectively proposed by the women here, that unsentimental thinking demands. Faced with this challenge, it’s no wonder that many of us prefer self-justifying stories. But what becomes clear in reading Nelson’s account of these six women is that, for all their flaws and disagreements, they represent a way of living that is attainable. To seek out the facts, to desire the truth, is to create the potential for transformation and response. Unsentimentality is intimately linked with the capacity for love, kindness, rebuke, and hope. As an old book once had it: the truth will set you free."
— Education and Culture

"Tough Enough is an important book not just because it insists on these six women’s contributions to intellectual history but also because it proposes that these contributions might temper our contemporary enthusiasm for empathy as a cure-all for our politics and a salve for our consciences."
— The Australian

“Nelson sets herself an ambitious goal in this comparative discussion of six 20th-century women. . .Although Nelson provides some biographical detail in discussing the women, it will likely be insufficient for readers wholly unfamiliar with the book's subjects. But this is decidedly not a flaw, because the book is intended not as a collective biography but rather as a reassessment of the unconventionally humanistic tenor of a group of artists and thinkers whose contributions have perhaps been misperceived and thereby underappreciated. Highly recommended.” 
— Choice

"It manages to be a hagiography without veneration. Establishing a cast of hardened saints. . .Nelson brilliantly shows how these women used unsentimentality as an aesthetic and political tool to survive their own time and how we might turn to them to survive our present crises.”
— Fields Magazine (Best non-fiction books of 2017)

“Nelson’s project is. . .at some level, a work of restitution. She resurrects a strain of distinctly feminine political engagement that, in refusing the gendered polarity of masculine stoicism and feminine feeling, quite simply failed to register as a tradition at all.”
— The Millions

"Deborah Nelson concedes that the six women whose careers are canvassed in her 2017 book Tough Enough: Arbus, Arendt, Didion, McCarthy, Sontag, Weil would definitely not appreciate being classed together, by gender or any other category. Thankfully for us, Nelson is undeterred: she boldly gathers Diane Arbus, Hannah Arendt, Joan Didion, Mary McCarthy, Susan Sontag, and Simone Weil into a common room to stage a wonderfully readable, engaging, provocative conversation about their similarities in style and outlook."
— Lori Jo Marso | Los Angeles Review of Books

“The politics and poetics of impersonality and individualism articulated by Arendt, Sontag, and Didion seem potentially retrograde. What Nelson calls toughness might in another register seem an appeal to reason and universalism, two ideals often inducing myopia even when their adherents imagine themselves to be at their most vigilant. Nelson, however, finds radical receptivity in depersonalized detachment. . . . Nelson argues that her writers, despite their stated allegiance to autonomy, attended to the human enmeshment in a world of pain that goes beyond the individual.”
— Public Books

“The women profiled in this book developed the ability to engage in theoretical discourse in the wake of such horrors as the Holocaust, not to mention personal illness and death, and that is why their work continues to resonate; a Sontag or a McCarthy defines a subject long after their first introduction. . . . It is a wonderful thing to read such a cogent and thought-provoking analysis of their work.”
— Rain Taxi

"A beautiful and trenchant study of six women – Simone Weil, Joan Didion, Mary McCarthy, Hannah Arendt, Diane Arbus and Susan Sontag – who were all criticised for being cold. Their offence was to look the world in the face and to report what they found."
— David Hare, New Statesman

"Nelson’s book is a useful book...Nelson’s six-part study might be coherent enough even without recourse to toughness as a unifying category. What holds the women together is their capacity to suggest a critical canon concerned with values and concepts that veer away from the poststructuralist imagination."
— Mena Mitrano, Women's Studies

"Tough Enough: Arbus, Arendt, Didion, McCarthy, Sontag, Weil by Deborah Nelson is a major intervention in the study of the narrative strategies utilized by women writers as well as a provocative contribution to studies of how writers engage with the atrocities of the post-Second World War period...The richness and depth of Nelson’s work cannot be overstated; Tough Enough is a major contribution to the study of post-1945 narrative strategies that engage with suffering and a thorough study of unsentimental post-1945 women writers."
— Year's Work in English Studies


- Deborah Nelson
DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226457949.003.0001
The introduction situates the work of six unsentimental writers and artists in the context of the postwar era and in the wake of the midcentury's horrific suffering.It first describes their sensibility, what was often termed heartless or cold, and suggests that the sentimental tradition has a place for stoicism, just not for women stoics.It then attempts to understand the unsentimental as a set of aesthetic practices grounded in a philosophy of toughness. Arbus, Arendt, Didion, Sontag, McCarthy, and Weil did not ignore suffering but attended to it in a way that excluded the emotions of the writer, reader, and protagonist. These women offered an ethics that did not depend upon, and even at times resisted, the project of empathy. (pages 1 - 14)
This chapter is available at:

- Deborah Nelson
DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226457949.003.0002
[tragedy;trauma;religion;affliction;pain;decreation;style;Albert Camus;Chiaromonte;unsentimental]
This chapter defines Simone Weil as a tragic thinker, which scandalizes both the religious and left political traditions in which she worked. The chapter describes the arrival of Weil's work in the early 1950s and speculates as to why her deeply unsentimental work found such an appreciative audience.It goes on to argue for a reading of Weil's approach to suffering, sometimes in its most extreme form--affliction--through the lens of Greek tragedy.The obsession of Weil post-conversion career was how to make suffering visible and speakable, not to appeal to others, but to articulate a politics for oneself. This entailed not just clarity, but painful clarity, which was effected in style. (pages 15 - 44)
This chapter is available at:

- Deborah Nelson
DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226457949.003.0003
[irony;atrocity;Otto Adolf Eichmann;thoughtlessness;compassion;Sholem;plurality;common sense;Holocaust;thinking]
This chapter undertakes an investigation into Arendt's recourse to irony in her scandalous account of the trial of Adolph Eichmann.Eichmann in Jerusalemarrivedat the very moment when the protocols for attending to the extreme suffering of the Holocaust were just then being worked out.Arendt's irony was a deliberate attempt to take Eichmann at his word, which was difficult for her readers to process, but which allowed her to do what he so conspicuously failed to do: tosee the world from someone else's perspective. Arendt faults Eichmann for thoughtlessness, not a lack of feeling. The chapter follows this preference for thinking instead of feeling throughout Arendt's work, especially her post-Eichmann attempts to think about thinking itself.Thinking not only safeguards morality but also plurality and common sense. (pages 45 - 71)
This chapter is available at:

- Deborah Nelson
DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226457949.003.0004
This chapter begins with an image of Mary McCarthy and Hannah Arendt alone in a subway station at the very beginning of their legendary friendship.The image captures something essential about McCarthy and Arendt's notion of politics and aesthetics.The facts of the world need to be faced alone together, a structure of relation that defined friendship as well as political alliance. The chapter goes on to characterize McCarthy's relationship to facts, arguing that this relationship to the self-altering realm of fact more clearly explains her aesthetic practice, not the more familiar term realism. Facing facts set in motion of process of self-estrangement and self-revision that seemed to both McCarthy and Arendt to be essential to politics and art. McCarthy's dedication to the fact links all her work: autobiography, fiction, farce, travel writing, and more. (pages 72 - 95)
This chapter is available at:

- Deborah Nelson
DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226457949.003.0005
[agency;aesthetics;Wilhelm Reich;photograph;sexuality;pornography;illness;John Berger;anesthetic;taste]
Susan Sontag diagnosed the emotional bipolarity of late twentieth century culture in her essays of the 1960s.Concerned about the pressures on emotions under late capitalism, Sontag continually gauged the capacity to self-regulate, particularly in the face of suffering, which dominated her thought in the 1970s and in her work On PhotographyandIllness as Metaphor. She proscribed aesthetic training to maintain agency over emotion, encouraging her readers to be wary of feeling, either the excitements of pornography or the numbing exposure to photographs of suffering. (pages 96 - 120)
This chapter is available at:

- Deborah Nelson
DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226457949.003.0006
[empathy;Revelations;compassion;trauma;photography;Untitled;agency;Susan Sontag;John Szarchowski]
Located in the documentary tradition by both John Szarchowski and Susan Sontag, Diane Arbus's photography has elicited decades of questions about her compassion. This chapter looks to Arbus's own thinking about photography and trauma, principally inRevelations, which contains the largest record of her work and writing to date. Arbus developed a theory of camera work that allowed her to evade empathy, which she considered a form of blindness to the other. Throughout the work, whether in the famous eccentrics of her first show or the inhabitants of a home for the mentally disabled inUntitled, Arbus demonstrated the universal, and unremarkable, limits to human agency, making them not spectacular but ordinary. (pages 121 - 142)
This chapter is available at:

- Deborah Nelson
DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226457949.003.0007
[self-pity;Donner Party;New Journalism;morality;style;syntax;sentiment;memoir;Patty Hearst;feminism]
Joan Didion's life long battle with self-pity and self-delusion ground to a halt in the memoirs of her husband's and later her daughter's deaths.The chapter traces Didion's relationship to feeling and morality, which both are enacted in style. From the earliest work at theNational Reviewin the early 1960s to her memoirBlue Nightsin 2011, Didion examined the ways feeling blinded and, paradoxically, anesthetized a pain of greater, but unacknowledged, depth.Her style of moral hardness, advocated in reviews of fiction and feminism, and developed in the story of the Donner Party, which appears throughout her work, eventually collapses in a reassessment of sentiment and self-reflection. (pages 143 - 172)
This chapter is available at: