Short review of the relationship between videomusic and art

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Maria Donata Napoli


This brief review explores the evolving relationship between the music and the image up to newer art forms. From the experimental cinema of the early 20th century, among other things related to music and to the attempts to sound the filmic image, to the success and flooding of, at first, the cinematic image and then the television image (with the production of countless musical and music related movies in the first case, with the creation of TV networks dedicated to the "music to see" in the second), up to their assimilation and processing in the artistic field, today it happens to witness the neutralization of all the examples of union between music and image because of excessive audio-visual production. In this situation, the art can, as in the past, intervene to bring out the quality of the music or the visual, or both in real complete works, by renewing the language and elevating it from a subculture level to a more authoritative one, as well as "positive" for new art markets

Keywords: Arts, Video Art, Music, Music video, Cinema, Television


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