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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Links Between Managerial Competencies Assessment Factors and Business Competency Model Factors

verfasst von : Lucia Zbihlejova, Zuzana Birknerova

Erschienen in: Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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In managerial work, the issue of competencies plays an important and inseparable role. It is crucial to determine the abilities, skills, and competencies that a business manager should have to properly perform their work. The main objective of the contribution is therefore to identify the factors of creating a business competency model for business managers and detect the possible existence of statistically significant links between the factors of managerial competency assessment and the factors of creating a business competence model. Based on the theoretical starting points, the research aims to verify the established hypothesis on a sample of 256 business managers from Slovakia using the original AMC23 questionnaire designed to assess managerial competencies, namely Motivational, Performance, Social and Target competencies. According to the research findings, statistically significant correlations between the factors of managerial competencies assessment and the factors of creating a business competency model were recorded. Using BCMCQ methodology, the degrees of importance of the individual competencies were also determined, and the final managerial competency model was refined. The research study also contains the previously proposed and research-verified business competency model.

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Ethical review and approval were waived for this study due to the non-interventional nature of this research (voluntary internet questionnaire) and because the research is not of a bio-medical nature (according to Act No. 576/2004 on Healthcare, Healthcare-related Services and Amending and Supplementing Certain Acts), participants are involved in the research voluntarily, the research does not include children and/or adolescents (minors), the research does not include persons who are vulnerable or disadvantaged, no sensitive data had been collected, processed and/or stored during the research, no personal/sensitive data have been disclosed to others outside the research team, the subjects had been provided with additional information about their participation. Furthermore, the research presents no risk of harm to subjects and involves no procedures for which written consent is normally required outside the research context.
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Links Between Managerial Competencies Assessment Factors and Business Competency Model Factors
verfasst von
Lucia Zbihlejova
Zuzana Birknerova

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