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2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Load Settlement Behavior of Ceramic Columns

verfasst von : Aaron Rodrigues, V. Gopika, Anupriya Saji, Safna Salam, A. A. Abishek Kumar

Erschienen in: Proceedings of SECON'19

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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loading …


Indian ceramic production is 100 Million ton per year in the ceramic industry, about 15–30% waste is generated from the total production. Dumping of ceramic waste leads to serious environmental and dust pollution and occupy large area. To avoid these conditions, it is desirable to reduce the stockpiles of ceramic waste by recycling or other alternative methods. Stone columns are one of the versatile techniques for engineering the ground. It is the most effective solution for improving the strength of soil and thereby protecting against liquefaction with less installation time. Our aim is to investigate the feasibility of using ceramic waste as aggregates in stone columns there by reducing the waste disposal, to provide a replacement to aggregates in columns and to minimize the cost of soil stabilization. Method/analysis: Experimental study on the load settlement behavior (IS 1888–1982) in test model of Ceramic stone column, Ceramic stone columns with geotextile casing, Ceramic stone columns with horizontal arrangement of geotextile, Ceramic stone columns with both horizontal layering and casing of geotextile and to compare with the ordinary stone column. Result shows that improvement in the load carrying capacity is found less in ceramic as compared to stone column but by the introduction of geotextile casing and layering, found an increase in the load carrying capacity.

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Zurück zum Zitat Kiran Kumar TK (2017) Ground improvement and load carrying capacity using stone column in clay soils. Int J Innov Res Sci Eng Technol 6(2):2892–2897MathSciNet Kiran Kumar TK (2017) Ground improvement and load carrying capacity using stone column in clay soils. Int J Innov Res Sci Eng Technol 6(2):2892–2897MathSciNet
Load Settlement Behavior of Ceramic Columns
verfasst von
Aaron Rodrigues
V. Gopika
Anupriya Saji
Safna Salam
A. A. Abishek Kumar