2009 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Local Government in the Process of Transformation
verfasst von : Anna Gąsior-Niemiec
Erschienen in: Regional Diversity and Local Development in the New Member States
Verlag: Palgrave Macmillan UK
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The current phase of the transformation of subnational government in Poland has been in progress since 1990. In its chronological dimension the process has been marked by three major events: the 1990 reform establishing territorial self-government at the municipal level; the 1999 reform establishing district- and region-level self-government; and — last but not least — Poland’s accession to the European Union in 2004. The three events have been accompanied by large-scale institution building and an introduction of novel legal frameworks. In addition to the legal-institutional changes, the progressive transformation of subnational government in Poland has, however, also encompassed several other dimensions, including modes of policy making, patterns of agency, and public discourse.