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2019 | Buch

Logistik der Zukunft - Logistics for the Future


Über dieses Buch

Mit der in diesem Buch vorgestellten Methodik zur Zukunftsforschung in der Logistik werden Unternehmen in die Lage versetzt, selbstständig Logistikvisionen zu erarbeiten und diese im strategischen und operativen Bereich umzusetzen. Diesem konzeptionellen Part steht eine Vielzahl ausgewählter Beiträge zur Zukunft der Logistik aus Sicht namhafter Industrie-, Handels- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen gegenüber, die die Anwendbarkeit der entwickelten Methodik in der Praxis anschaulich verdeutlichen.


Kapitel 1. Zukunftsforschung
Futures studies is a relatively young academic discipline. First activities were carried out in the early 1940s by O. K. Flechtheim in the U.S. Futures studies is an inter- and multidisciplinary science. It has different application areas such as economics, medicine and technology. This book focusses on the application in economics, especially in logistics.
Ingrid Göpfert
Kapitel 2. Die Anwendung der Zukunftsforschung für die Logistik
Logistics has developed into a decisive competitive factor of an enterprise. This is the main reason for the great importance of futures studies in logistics both today and in the future. Both future and present are linked to opinions about the subject of logistics.
Ingrid Göpfert
Kapitel 3. Zukunftsforschung und Visionsmanagement: Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Logistikvisionen
A logistics vision is the individual answer to alternative future pictures of logistics systems of enterprises or strategic networks. In the literature and in practise, we find very different opinions about the term vision. We define a logistics vision as a desirable and realistic future picture of the logistics structures and processes in intra- and interorganizational systems including how to get there.
Ingrid Göpfert
Kapitel 4. Vom Internet der Dinge zum Geschäftsmodell
Digitalization is more than a mega trend like mobility, urbanization, globalizationor individualization. Indeed, digitalization as a base technology influences almostall areas of our daily life of both private and professional. It is anticipated that the digital transformation will change economy and society in a radical manner.
Herbert Ruile
Kapitel 5. Herausforderung für das Supply Chain Management im Omnichannel-Handel
Non-food retailers and particularly fashion and apparel retailers suffer from intense competition in their markets. For many years, the German fashion market has been characterized by low growth rates; however, luxury and low-price competitors are reporting significant growth which proves that unclear positioning is severely punished. Off-price retailing is growing significantly mainly due to shorter product life cycles.
Michael Krings
Kapitel 6. LSG Group – Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze in der Supply Chain eines weltweit führenden Bordserviceanbieters
With a market share of around 30% of the global airline catering business, the LSG Group is the world’s leading company in the industry. Challenges in this business are multifaceted. On the one hand, the airline industry itself is under pressure from low-cost carriers, siphon off the price-sensitive leisure travelers, as well as carriers located in the Gulf States, which offer differentiated service portfolios for long-haul travelers. On the other hand, airline catering itself is under cost pressure from the airlines.
Erdmann Rauer
Kapitel 7. Robotik in der Intralogistik - Ein Projekt der Unternehmen Fiege und Magazino
Online retail is growing steadily as digitalisation in society progresses. Ecommerce customers are facing major challenges for their logistics service providers: peaking not only seasonally, but even on different days of the week makes resource planning harder. The need for automated processes in logistics centres is therefore great.
Julian Mester, Florin Wahl
Kapitel 8. Wie Unternehmen in die Zukunft blicken: Eine empirische Studie zur Zukunftsforschung in der (Logistik-) Praxis
Futures studies has steadily gained in importance for supply chain management theory and practice. Academic literature on detailed designs of futures studies is abundant. A remarkable number of case studies from diverse industry backgrounds provide strong evidence of the beneficial impacts that different forms of “futuring” can have.
Ingrid Göpfert, Roman Kersting
Kapitel 9. Ein Zukunftsmodell für die Handelslogistik im Jahr 2036
Today german online retailers have revenue shares of around 12% of all german retail business. Estimates implicate an increase to 42% in 2036. Therefore, parcel and order volume will multiply 4.5-fold.
Ingrid Göpfert
Kapitel 10. Innovative Startups in der Logistikbranche – Eine Betrachtung der neuen Marktteilnehmer und empirische Erkenntnisse einer Fragebogenstudie
Digitalization is one of the most discussed topics in the logistic industry sector at the moment. Young innovative firms, so called startups, strengthen and profit from this development. Other industries like the hotel business or transportation industry have already shown that the digitalization is the up and coming market: startups like UBER or AirBNB gained significant market shares in no time.
Ingrid Göpfert, Patrick Seeßle
Kapitel 11. – die neue Art der Vernetzung
In almost every industry cooperation with value-added partners is based on central marketplaces or systems (platforms) provided by an intermediary. The intermediary receives the data stored on these platforms for cross-company communication. As a result, the user companies lose their data sovereignty.
Thomas Herbst, Anja Wilde
Kapitel 12. Supply Chain Integration in der Unternehmenspraxis
In today’s highly competitive world with shortened product life cycles, supply chains are fragmented and value creation is split up between multiple companies. Therefore, the integration of theses supply chains gains more and more importance. The concept of supply chain integration considers how companies integrate their processes and functions across company borders with their partners in order to gain operational efficiency and sustainable advantages.
Stefan Döpgen, Ingrid Göpfert
Kapitel 13. Wirkungen von Supply-Chain-Management-Maßnahmen bei Automobilzulieferern und -herstellern. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie
Supply chain management methods play an important role in the automotive industry. While automotive manufacturers often gain profits from supply chain management methods, automotive suppliers are in many cases affected by rising costs resulting from an implementation.
Ingrid Göpfert, David Braun
Kapitel 14. Die Logistik wird smart Audi führt den selbststeuernden Anlieferprozess im Werk Ingolstadt ein
Time, quality and cost pressure are the main characteristics of today’s automotive industry. In order to survive this highly competitive market it is inevitable to provide customized products through flexible and automated processes. This phenomenon is also referred to as Industry 4.0.
Lutz Roth
Kapitel 15. Logistik 4.0 – die sechs Säulen der Logistik in der Zukunft
Many mega trends lead to a rising complexity within the supply chain. Executives have to manage this complexity in order to maintain or enhance competitiveness. One way to cope with it is the ideas of a demand driven material resource planning, which applies de-coupling, postponement, etc. to MRP-based standard software for supply chain planning. Such a concept helps to develop standard solutions in planning tools and to apply relevant concepts, practically. A full leverage of digitalization potentials, though, still has to be provided.
Götz G. Wehberg
Kapitel 16. Realisierung von Flexibilität in komplexen Versorgungsnetzwerken am Beispiel der Infineon Technologies AG
The production of semiconductors is technologically challenging, requires large investments and is one of the most competitive environments in the world as it opens up a wide range of applications for other industries. Moore’s Law describes the development and production success of the industry over the last 65 years. The industry’s products have changed the way we communicate, move and behave. “The global supply chain is our new fab,” this slogan has been the central idea for the Infineon supply chain to master the challenging market requirements. It means to transfer the superior production efficiency and flexibility to the supply chain.
Hans Ehm, Felicitas Lachner
Kapitel 17. Supply the Sky – Visionäre Logistiklösung erfolgreich realisiert
Ein Beitrag der Kühne + Nagel International AG
Under the slogan of “Supply the Sky”, the Kuehne + Nagel Group offers an integrated range of logistics services for the aviation industry. This concept, which was developed over the last ten years through the transfer of established methods from other fields of application, fulfils the highest requirements. The aircraft as one of the elementary means of transport is ought to benefit from logistics services in all phases of its life cycle – from production to operation. Kuehne + Nagel is today’s leading logistics provider for the aviation industry.
Dirk Reich, Jens Wollesen
Kapitel 18. Erfolgreiche Unternehmensführung in sich verändernder Zeit
Ein Beitrag der Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG
Our social, economic and management frameworks are changing rapidly. There-fore, companies have to react very quickly in order to survive. In the last 50 years the living together of human beings has strongly changed and companies have the duty to break new ground in managing employees.
Reinhold Würth
Kapitel 19. Logistik der Zukunft: Echter Wertbeitrag für das Unternehmen
The logistics sector has undergone a wide-ranging development, not only in the field of science but also from a practical point of view.
Klaus Peter Jung
Kapitel 20. Ein Leitfaden für die Entwicklung innovativer Supply-Chain-Management-Konzepte
Futures research is becoming increasingly important in the field of logistics. Due to the rising dynamics of environmental factors on logistics, actively influencing and shaping the future becomes a significant competitive factor for companies or entire networks. The development and implementation of innovative supply chain management concepts is an important aspect in the field of logistics futures research. Many supply chain management concepts were developed more than 20 years ago and are nowadays still considered as innovative approaches.
Ingrid Göpfert, Wanja Wellbrock
Logistik der Zukunft - Logistics for the Future
herausgegeben von
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ingrid Göpfert
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