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2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Love Type Surface Waves in Curved Layers

verfasst von : Aditya Kumar Patnaik, Sapan Kumar Samal, Anjana P. Ghorai

Erschienen in: Recent Trends in Wave Mechanics and Vibrations

Verlag: Springer Singapore

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A mathematical modeling of Love type surface waves propagating in a curved homogeneous isotropic layer lying over a curved homogeneous isotropic half-space has been considered. The variable separable and WKB methods are applied to solve the motion of differential equation of Love type surface waves propagation along with curved layer. Both the effects of two curvature of radii of curved layers which along and perpendicular to the propagation direction are taken into account. The analytical expression for Love type surface waves velocity and curvature of curved layer are obtained by setting the propagation of Love waves in plane layer as basis. The effect of radius of curvature on the phase velocity has been shown graphically.

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Love Type Surface Waves in Curved Layers
verfasst von
Aditya Kumar Patnaik
Sapan Kumar Samal
Anjana P. Ghorai
Springer Singapore


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