2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Machine Learning Applications in Cancer Informatics
verfasst von : Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem
Erschienen in: Advances in Intelligent Analysis of Medical Data and Decision Support Systems
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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Cancer informatics is a multidisciplinary field of research. It includes oncology, pathology, radiology, computational biology, physical chemistry, computer science, information systems, biostatistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), data mining and many others. Machine learning (ML) offers potentially powerful tools, intelligent methods, and algorithms that can help in solving many medical and biological problems. The variety of ML algorithms enable the design of a robust techniques and new methodologies for managing, representing, accumulating, changing, discovering, and updating knowledge in cancer-based systems. Moreover it supports learning and understanding the mechanisms that will help oncologists, radiologists and pathologists to induce knowledge from cancer information databases. This paper presents the research results of the author and his colleagues that have been carried out in recent years on using machine learning in cancer informatics. In addition the talk discusses several directions for future research.