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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

MarkAR: Exploring the Benefits of Combining Microgestures and Mid-Air Marks to Trigger Commands in Augmented Reality

verfasst von : Charles Bailly, Lucas Pometti, Julien Castet

Erschienen in: Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Immersive technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) have a promising potential for group activities. Collaborative AR systems allow co-located and/or distant users to create, visualize and manipulate together a large variety of virtual content in order to take actions and decisions. However, contrary to traditional 2D interfaces, there is currently no standard interface or generalized interaction technique for AR. This paper explores an approach for triggering commands linked to AR content. We propose MarkAR, a system combining virtual thumbnail representations of AR content (called vignettes), a microgesture and 3D mid-air mark system inspired by marking menus. Experimental results from a qualitative study highlight that MarkAR offers a great usability, subtle interactions and an easy way to trigger both discrete and continuous commands in AR.

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MarkAR: Exploring the Benefits of Combining Microgestures and Mid-Air Marks to Trigger Commands in Augmented Reality
verfasst von
Charles Bailly
Lucas Pometti
Julien Castet