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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

7. Market Segmentation in Customer-Dominant Logic

verfasst von : Manfred Bruhn, Maxim Saleschus, Karsten Hadwich

Erschienen in: Customer-Dominant Logic

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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A customer-dominant market segmentation is an important basis for developing strategies and measures for market and customer management. The customer-dominant market segmentation aims to divide customers into internally homogeneous and mutually heterogeneous customer segments based on their customer logic. This involves a step-by-step and multidimensional market segmentation according to the customer's objectives and sphere of life, the processes of his customer logic, and his ecosystem. Based on this, an optimal design of the provider integration in the customer ecosystem is carried out with regard to type, intensity, duration, and timing. The chapter makes it clear that with the alignment of segmentation towards customer logic and the customer ecosystem, the data generated by market research can be condensed and interpreted using multivariate analysis methods or data mining techniques.

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Market Segmentation in Customer-Dominant Logic
verfasst von
Manfred Bruhn
Maxim Saleschus
Karsten Hadwich