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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

9. Marketing Instruments in Customer-Dominant Logic

verfasst von : Manfred Bruhn, Maxim Saleschus, Karsten Hadwich

Erschienen in: Customer-Dominant Logic

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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The role of marketing instruments is to implement customer-dominant marketing strategies. For this purpose, a variety of marketing tools are available. It is crucial to understand the core offering as the original value contribution to the customer’s goal achievement and to align the integrated offer according to the customer’s principles and procedures (e.g., quality consciousness) and according to offers or actors in the customer ecosystem. Price differentiation should consistently be carried out according to the customer’s logic, and price bundling strategies should systematically be considered in relation to actors in the customer ecosystem. A multichannel distribution system tailored to the customer’s logic should be implemented using the customer-dominant journey. In addition to the communication relationships with the focal provider and its employees, explicit communication relationships of the customer with actors in the customer ecosystem should also be considered. The potential uses of marketing tools in the sense of the customer-dominant logic are detailed in this chapter.

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Marketing Instruments in Customer-Dominant Logic
verfasst von
Manfred Bruhn
Maxim Saleschus
Karsten Hadwich