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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

8. Marketing Strategies in Customer-Dominant Logic

verfasst von : Manfred Bruhn, Maxim Saleschus, Karsten Hadwich

Erschienen in: Customer-Dominant Logic

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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The marketing strategies in customer-dominant logic form the basis for measures for market and customer processing. Fundamental to the design of marketing strategies are the integration cycle concept and the customer-dominant success chain. The integration cycle distinguishes between an initial integration, a reintegration or deepening integration of the provider in the customer ecosystem and justifies a customer-dominant view of business relationships. Based on this, in this chapter, the success chain of the customer-dominant logic forms the strategic reference framework for customer-dominant management and substantiates, among other things, measures for market and business field demarcation. The chapter elaborates in detail that attractive integration offers must be created along the success chain, which generate a positive nominal presence in the customer ecosystem. Based on attractive integration offers, a permanent and significant factual presence in the customer ecosystem must be established.

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Marketing Strategies in Customer-Dominant Logic
verfasst von
Manfred Bruhn
Maxim Saleschus
Karsten Hadwich