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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

MAS Network: Surrogate Neural Network for Multi-agent Simulation

verfasst von : Hiroaki Yamada, Masataka Shirahashi, Naoyuki Kamiyama, Yumeka Nakajima

Erschienen in: Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XXII

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Multi-agent simulation (MAS) plays an important role in analyzing our societies because it can model complexity in societies and assimilate a variety of social data. However, the execution of MAS is computationally expensive. When running numerous executions to determine optimal policy, it is crucial to develop a more computationally efficient mathematical model that is able to sufficiently substitute for the original simulation. In this paper, we propose a machine learning framework for developing neural network models, called \( {MAS\ network}\), that can substitute for MAS. Furthermore, we propose an effective feature representation of agent parameters and a systematic dataset design for learning. We confirmed that the MAS network replicated the system dynamics of the simulation and that the MAS network accurately learned the sensitivity of output and input relation even at unknown parameter points.

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MAS Network: Surrogate Neural Network for Multi-agent Simulation
verfasst von
Hiroaki Yamada
Masataka Shirahashi
Naoyuki Kamiyama
Yumeka Nakajima

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