2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Mathematical Modelling of Melanoma Collective Cell Migration
verfasst von : J. V. Gallinaro, C. M. G. Marques, F. M. Azevedo, D. O. H. Suzuki
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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A collective cell migration model is used to simulate the migration of HBL and C8161 melanoma cell lines during a scratch wound assay. The model has four parameters: force resulted from lamellipod creation in the scratch wound assay, elasticity modulus of the cell layer, adhesion constant between cell and extracellular matrix (ECM) and proliferation rate. Parameter values were obtained with a least square nonlinear regression routine and data from an assay performed with both cell lines. Coefficient of determination for cell lines HBL and C8161 was, respectively,
= 0.79 and
= 0.89. Parameter values were compared to values from other work on the literature and were mostly in accordance with them. C8161 cell line presented smaller values of force from lamellipod creation and adhesion constant, which suggests that more invasive cell lines, in this case represented by C8161 cell line, have less dependence on adhesion molecules, as proposed by other authors.