2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Measurement System for Pupil Size Variability Study
verfasst von : W. Nowak, A. Żarowska, E. Szul-Pietrzak, A. Hachoł
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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This paper presents a measurement system for binocular pupil size variability study. The measurements can be taken at a rate up to 256 Hz with a linear accuracy better than 0.02 mm during both the pupil light reflex induced by computer-controlled light stimuli and the spontaneous pupil fluctuation. The unique system design and method of detecting a picture of each eye enables monitoring the right and left eye using a single camera with no overlap between each pictures. Using a synchronous signal this setup can cooperate with Neuron Spectrum system (41-channel multifunctional digital EEG system for neurophysiological studies) and Biopac system (complete systems for life science research and education). The metrological parameters and measurement abilities of the system can extend the scope of research using pupillometry.