2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Measuring and Analyzing the Acceptance of Relevant Service Innovations as a Cornerstone of Planning Service Business Development in the Automotive Industry
verfasst von : Klaus-Peter Wiedmann, Gerald-Alexander Beese, Steffen Schmidt, Sascha Langner, Michael Schiessl
Erschienen in: Service Business Development
Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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Technological (r)evolutions of passenger cars regarding advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), autonomous driving and connected in-vehicle infotainment systems (CIVIS) require the automotive industry respectively vehicle manufacturers to develop their traditional business models towards customer centric and mobility orientated service business driven approaches. This article investigates prerequisites for service business innovation and a comprehensive acceptance evaluation based on a multifaceted conceptual model and an empirical study – including first managerial implications.